View Full Version : Black Sea Studios and KoH patch - status

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28-11-2006, 22:12
btw, I forgot to say Welcome to knez :cheers:

28-11-2006, 22:16
I was just a reader for a year or so, but I have to talk now. Patchhhhhhhh!

28-11-2006, 22:59
Good! I'm glad the patch is reviving interest for the game. If it comes out within the next few months KOH will be able to steal fans from Medieval 2 total war. If you really look KOH has almost all the features that M2 has, but looks just as awesome on any system and isn't a memory hog. Its just a more playable game, over all. Once the patch is out I'll post the link for KOH site in my sig on the M2TW forums.

28-11-2006, 23:14
Bah... Medieval total war. nothing but pure eye candy. Without the mods made by the community the game was pure @#!#. Mtw II looks the same. Those games are directed to people who want to see nice graphics instead of strong gamplay and strategy.

Anyways, Glad that the work finally began on the patch! It has been a long almost 2 years.

28-11-2006, 23:39
Bah... Medieval total war. nothing but pure eye candy. Without the mods made by the community the game was pure @#!#. Mtw II looks the same. Those games are directed to people who want to see nice graphics instead of strong gamplay and strategy.

Anyways, Glad that the work finally began on the patch! It has been a long almost 2 years.

Thats what I'M saying. Although I don't thinks its PURE eyecandy, there is some sweet gameplay and it is a game I endorse highly. I just prefer KOH much more.

Tzar Ivan Assen II
29-11-2006, 00:36
I would like to see more realism in the behaviour of the kingdoms. For example, I really hate to see the papacy controlling 60% of the map after a couple of hours of play. Such unrealistic activities by the kingdoms happen in EVERY game I start in KoH. It is bloody annoying to see the Spanish entering Moscow. Maybe some kind of goals should be set to the particular kingdoms, so that a little more realism could be added to the game. For example, the Spanish AI should be set to try to reconquer the Iberian penninsula from the Muslims, or Byzantium should focus on dealing with their historical enemies, like the Ottomans or the Bulgarians. By setting such goals, the game will become much more historically accurate, and thus more enjoyable to play :go:

29-11-2006, 00:52
It is good to see that work on the patch is in progress and maybe soon we will have it!

29-11-2006, 01:31
I agree Tzar Ivan Assen II, adding more historical accurancy would be nice... BUT

this game was made to simulate alternative history. So not everything what happened in history has to happen in the game.

It would be nice if the AI kingdoms would get some goals to achieve but it's a bit too much to ask in a patch I guess...

I realized it is possible to pre-set which states are at war with other states at the beggining. This way it could be possible to pre-set that f.i. Ottomans will be at war with Byzantines everytime you start the late period. But it IS possible even now. We just need to deal with relations at the beggining of every game. I'd leave it to some other thread though..

let's discuss details in other threads and here general things...

29-11-2006, 09:15
finally find some time to visit the BSS office... :rolleyes:

Do that...we will support you!:go:

My priorities:

1. AI...must be just hard. Starting with a small country on hard must be almost impossible.
a)Marshals with a certain level have to attack towns directly and stop attacking villages...i feel that Marshals are too often afraid to attack cities.
b) AI should focus on one enemy at the time (and its allies).
c) cities should be able to produce the units available. The AI should build only reasonable buildings

a) Armies...full armies will make a big difference in the battles.
b) Quality armies

3. Having a large kingdom should be harder and so Kingdom Power should be reduced
when the Kingdom gets larger...not the other way round

4. It would be great if the AI tried to have the kingdom advantages.

5. Being able to have the famous battles available on singleplayer.

PS: Frujin...don't hesitate to work with us! some here know the game mechanics almost as well as if they were from your team....and they want to make it work...we are also ready to beta-test it before the final version is published!

Anyway, is there any chance that patch wan't require CD in CD-drive to play game? Like last CIV4 patch. You would lose little (or nothing) and gain varry happy gamers + good word for the game.

That would be great....just like the games by Haemimont...got them all and no cds required...this is such a blessing (especially me who's got a bad functionning one :sad: )

30-11-2006, 04:37
Yes Frjuin, use us as a resource :)

30-11-2006, 08:04
I'd be happy if the patch -

1) Made the AI hard setting hard { like everyone else has stated)

2) AI Empires put up a greater fight between each other.

3) Some logic/strategy in attacks made by AI Empires against the player.

Yes I'm back again, again.
I shifted house and had problems getting my ISP to transfer my account :( it took nearly 2 weeks.

Its great to see progress is being made on the patch still.

30-11-2006, 11:00
great news frujiin.

This would be a great christmas present.

30-11-2006, 18:17
There's actually going to be a patch? NOW!? WHY!? I don't understand Europeans...

well here's what I'd like:
AI uses Merchants right!
AI develops the advanced trade good thingies.
AI is in general harder at higher levels.
AI set goals and accomplished them better- ie it tried to win the darned game.

dev team investigates *thoroughly* the mods on this board, understands them, and sees how to improve the game from their end in ways we cannot already do.

30-11-2006, 20:01
Elvain, sorry, I didn't actually have time to read much (or at all). I just saw that Frujin hasn't replied to my PM yet. Anyway, the matter is still open, but I'll postpone my visit for now (phew, good, cuz I really don't have time for that now)... :wink:

01-12-2006, 00:01

........but I'll postpone my visit for now (phew, good, cuz I really don't have time for that now)... :wink:

He's to busy running from arrows! :biggrin:

02-12-2006, 23:51
Yeah, my butt doesn't like them! :lol:

03-12-2006, 20:33
Is this patch a sure thing? Is it just a matter of time now, or i it not going to happen for sure. I'm confused.

If it is happening, *roughly* how much time do we have to wait?

03-12-2006, 22:58
I wan't to know when also. It seems to me it's half finished already?

03-12-2006, 23:09
guys, I think that Frujin was more than clear.
Hello People,

BSS is working with full speed on the patch. More news will come shortly. We are investigating the impact the patch will have on user created mods as well.
BSS started working on it

From his statement it seemed like they check how the changes could be compatible with mods. That means, they are finding a way how to make them compatible, not what to make compatible.

I believe that at the same time they are completing the list of changes.
Or? am I wrong?

It would be nice if they could make it untill the Christmass, bvut personally I don't believe.. I would also prefere it later - to make it work really well

04-12-2006, 02:46
Is this patch a sure thing? Is it just a matter of time now, or i it not going to happen for sure. I'm confused.

If it is happening, *roughly* how much time do we have to wait?

It is happening! Frujin said they are working full speed on the patch, I take that to mean they have as many people working on it as is needed to do the job.

He also said more news to come shortly! No timeframe mentioned, maybe that will be part of the news that is forthcoming shortly.

We all need to excercise patience at this point!