View Full Version : KoH! (the randomer from an age ago speaks)

28-08-2006, 19:39
bwahahaha, finally after all this time i'm back! (i posted like 1 time ago saying how i thought how awesome the demo was and that i was looking forwards to getting the game, but never got around to it =( but since then i've changed my mind =D )

it took a while but this time i am surely getting KoH and look forward to a lot of european conquest :hello: i've been playing the demo non-stop now in waiting for KoH and so far i've managed to almost reunite britain as scotland (controlled all of england, wales, ireland and scotland except for cornwall, which the english gave to me as well as vassalage in the terms of their surrender before the demo ended =( )

i simply cannot believe how great this game is though, just taking it all in i mean, everything from the lavishly detailed 2d graphics (i actually prefer 2d games over 3d, allows for a lot more detail to be put in without requiring military-grade computers to run :P) and the opponents actually react to you (R:TW, on hardest settings i was bribing my way through my own allies armies before i turned on him, over 10 or so turns in which he lost his entire army to me through money, and he didnt care 1 bit)


just wow, i mean i'm amazed that after so long a company can come back to a game like this, and its great and also also convinced me i made the right choice in buying this :go:

so hello one and all (and i see all those ideas of rebelling against sunflower or laying their office fortress under siege proved unnecesary :lol:

tis good to be back

29-08-2006, 08:57
Cheers to that! After hearing from BS studios on the post Frujin made I have been elated! I haven't been in the mood to play it lately but now that I know for sure there will be a patch I'm gonna dust off the CD and start a new campaign!

31-08-2006, 06:48
Bad news, Sire! We have been called to war!

He's calling you back to the game!