View Full Version : Release of the game in Bulgaria

Khan Krum
01-05-2004, 12:17
Guys I'd like to ask this question, I know it's still too early, or may be someone else shot this one out before me, but I missed it... so here I go:
Will there be any preferential price for the release in our country? I really am looking forward to buy the original set, and here it's hard to afford it, so we are doomed to seek other ways of getting new releases :( (if the question bothers you just don't answer ;) )

01-05-2004, 14:21
And I also want to ask: Will there be localisation (translation) for BG (and not only in BG)? So that I should to whether I should buy it immediately after the release or I should wait for the localised version. Because I don't have enough money to buy the game twice.

01-05-2004, 14:25
Originally posted by Nike
And I also want to ask: Will there be localisation (translation) for BG (and not only in BG)? So that I should to whether I should buy it immediately after the release or I should wait for the localised version. Because I don't have enough money to buy the game twice.

If BSS was really clever, they should make language patches ie. german, french etc. to KoH - then users could download these if they prefered the game to be in their own native language.