View Full Version : [Question] Music

02-05-2004, 15:45
I don't dobut the music will be great in KoH, but I am wondering will we going to be able to add some of our own music? I have some really nice original medival mp3s I'd like to listen while playing this game. :D

I think availability to add our own music would add a nice touch. ;)

03-05-2004, 20:07
yea it should be easy like just add it into a folder titled "castle siege" or something.

04-05-2004, 08:22
Yes,good idea.I know which songs I could put into folders...yeee.
Btw,I want to ask a question to devs without new thread.Can I ask this question in Your,Finellach,thread?

So,I guess I can:D

Maybe there are these new avatars (remember the contest) already drawn?Will be they only in a game or here too?We would like to see them.:cheers:

04-05-2004, 08:53
Good queston, Heretic :go:

btw, Finellach? good idea, but here I can see one very important problem. We can add there whatever we want, but what about so called "author rights"?

If I musunderstood it and you meant it like:
YOU as a player can add some music into YOUR music folder in KoH, then this problem bother you no longer.

04-05-2004, 18:05
@Heretic - of course you can. :D

@Elewyn - Yes thats what I was asking. ;)

04-05-2004, 19:39
well, i would just start my media player with my favourite music before starting the game - however that could cause some problem with the in-game music, coz it would sorta play on top of the music you was listening too - anyway i think this is a little more difficault to do than i/we thnik :confused:

04-05-2004, 21:55
In GTA 3/Vice City they just had this folder where you could put your Mp3 files and then you could listen to them ingame.

04-05-2004, 22:54
i would like to see this feature too. on the other hand i hope that game music will be so great, that i wanna listen to it again and again...
(lotr2 had such a music, which did not get annoying, also the patrician. imho)

05-05-2004, 00:17
Originally posted by Jarlabanke
In GTA 3/Vice City they just had this folder where you could put your Mp3 files and then you could listen to them ingame.

Okay - but this would, i suppose, overrule the music pieces which plays when an event happens - like Lost Battle !

05-05-2004, 13:25
I would like that feature very much! You can just add them to the playlist! Like in UT 2004 and Age of Wonders (not quite sure)!