View Full Version : about the spies

07-06-2004, 09:41
i dont know if there was another topic about this but anyway.. my question is how the spies will infiltrate (disguised like traders, ect.) the castles, what actions they could take, will the enemy spies detect yours, where do you train (or hire) them, etc.?

07-06-2004, 13:28
Spies can infiltrate an enemy kingdom. Then they'll become a knight of the enemy and the enemy decides what your spy should become (Marshall, Builder, Merchant, even Spy, etc.).
The options he can take depend on the job he has in the enemy kingdom.


07-06-2004, 16:50
alright. tnx for the info :D

Drake Maethor
09-06-2004, 06:30
However we still got no answer of what happens if your infiltrated spy is ordered to infiltrate your court!
I mean that can happen, but we don't know if you we'll be able to realise he is your own spy!

09-06-2004, 16:25
there two situations:
1. if your spy is loyal to you he will ask you what to do and
2. if hes is not - he will disappear. but the question about the infiltration is a bit complicated - is there a negotiator between the spy and you (the king) and if its there then the spy will be able to infiltrate your court because the only man that knows him is his partner (negotiator). if there is no negotiator it will be a suicidal to try to infiltrate your ex-boss.

09-06-2004, 21:54
Originally posted by Drake Maethor
However we still got no answer of what happens if your infiltrated spy is ordered to infiltrate your court!
I mean that can happen, but we don't know if you we'll be able to realise he is your own spy!

No way for your spy to infiltrate your own court. It never happens.

Drake Maethor
10-06-2004, 09:15
I'm talking about this!

"Frank Fay talking about your spy infiltrating an enemy court"

Originally posted by Frank Fay
He will be in your court always spy but in enemy court he can be one of the 6 available professions. Depending on the hired profession, he can perform nasty stuff :D It is even possible that he become spy and sent to infiltrate your court or better, your hired spy is an infiltrated spy from enemy kingdom :cheers:

It is not about you sending your spy to infiltrate your own court.
It is about your INFILTRATED spy (infiltrated in an enemy court) sended by your enemy to infiltrate your own court!
What would happen then? Will you recognize him, will he tell you that he has received that order? Will he become a double-spy?
What would happen?

Drake Maethor
12-06-2004, 02:09
was my question clear?