View Full Version : Donation tip

28-11-2006, 07:33
I just wanted to tell all of you who didnt know that when you play as catholic if you want to make a donation to the church you possibly see that its very expensive ... Thats because you get a lot of income so if you stop trading for a moment you will be able to make a very cheap donation and you can continue trading...:go:

28-11-2006, 19:05
But doesn't the pause in trading hurt your reputation with your trading partners, thus decreasing the amount of income you receive when you resume trading?

28-11-2006, 19:12
it does a little, but the profit from lower donation limit is much higher:go:

28-11-2006, 19:17
how much does giving a donation to the church help with reputation? By church do you mean the papal state?

28-11-2006, 20:31
I dont think that pausing trade changes your reputation at alll its not possible... So when you make a donation you increase the relations with the Pope and papacy and a little bit with the rest of the catholic world ... But if you do around 20 donations using the tip I gave you you will make all of the catholics to be friendly with you :) And also it decreases the chance that you might get yourself excomunicated :cheers:

28-11-2006, 20:43
no, it is true that breaking trade causes a small loss to reputation. Elvain's point was that its not one worth worrying about.

29-11-2006, 01:20
The reputation loss is with just the person you stopped trade with though. I think it decreases 100-200 points with that trade partner.

29-11-2006, 15:17
I think if you cancel trade 100 times makes a very tiny change i relations ...

29-11-2006, 17:49
I've never made a donation to the church in any of my games, if it makes the game easier then what is the point in using it, the game is to easy as it is.

29-11-2006, 19:54
No it doesnt make the game easier it because you need a lot of money to make a donation in the first place .. it shows your respect for the church

29-11-2006, 22:59
I guess that could be why I never paid any attention to donations, I prefer to play as excommunicated Catholic, and always take out the Papacy at the earliest possible point in the game that I can.

Victus Succor
25-06-2007, 11:00
What does this mean, donate to the church? Do they mean donate to the papel state?

25-06-2007, 13:33
money go to papal institution, your reputation with catholics increases.