View Full Version : Would you like to see easter eggs?

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13-06-2004, 20:59
Here is a link to the thread talking about some nice ideas for easter eggs. Now remember easter eggs and cheats a two differen't things. Easter eggs are more suprises, or something cool that is hidden away and you must find. Easter Eggs (http://forum.sunflowers.de/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1302)

14-06-2004, 02:46
oh yea and what do you think of my options that i gave you? :)

14-06-2004, 14:19
"I'll egg you <shakes fist>" is fine :go: .


14-06-2004, 17:29
I think we need more than 9 votes :rolleyes:

14-06-2004, 17:39
Every game becomes better through good easter-eggs. So put in some of them in KoH, too!!!

here you can see all Easter-Eggs ever in Games and Films.

Kuno of Gersenau
14-06-2004, 18:12
Don't think that a game becomes better with easter-eggs. If they don't fit, then they ruin the game more than they support it...

So it isn't necessary to make big eastereggs in KoH imho...

There are some small like "Graf Frank" or "Despot Frujin"...;) And that's enough...:)

14-06-2004, 19:43
That's cool. And that's enough. AND they have to have the avatarpictures of Frujin, Frank, Nadine etc.;)

15-06-2004, 00:05
nah i would like a better easter egg.

15-06-2004, 05:58
I never have cared for Easter Eggs in games myself.

15-06-2004, 14:20
Frujin was a real person, so I doubt it's an Easter Egg!

I voted Yes! I liked the EE in Warcraft 3!

15-06-2004, 16:03
The EE in WarcraftIII? What do you mean? The funny sentences the people say after clicking them three times???

Sir Turylon
15-06-2004, 20:25
Warcraft 2 is the king of unit sayings. Stronghold is #2. IMPO

"Set sail"
"Aye aye captain"
"stop rocking the boat"
"you're making me seasick"
"uhhhhhhhhhh. splash"

"yes sir"
"going sir"
"join the army they say"
"see the world they say"
"I'd rather be sailing"

15-06-2004, 23:10
a phone rings
"how many times do i jhave to tell you
im a dread lord not a drug lord"

16-06-2004, 07:59
Originally posted by HappyAdolf
The EE in WarcraftIII? What do you mean? The funny sentences the people say after clicking them three times???

Not only that! There was a Zerg Hydralisk in one mission of the campaign. And the Batle between the Marines and the Zergs in the credits at the end. I think there were more but I've forgotten them.

I remember an EE in SW: Galactic Battlegrounds too: On one map there were Luke Skywalker, Joda and R2D2 in the forest...

Drake Maethor
18-06-2004, 07:48
But at the end of that, Came a pack of futuristic Orcs and killed the marines!
That was cool! Maybe some preview of Starcraft 2! :D

I've found a web with the units quotes from Warcraft 2

Of course the best are the two headed ogres.
For the ones that don't know, they are a funny couple of silly ogre heads together in just one big, fat, ugly ogre body.
After you click'em many times they start the next dialogue:
(you have to imagine their really silly ogre voices)

Head A: Yes master?
Head B: I don't want to.

B: All right!
A: Now I'm hungry!

A: This way!
B: No, that way!

*buuurrrp* (belch sound)
A: He did it!
B: No! He did it!

*flatulence sound*
A and B: hehehehe!


18-06-2004, 21:04
Yeah, the funny annoyance-sentencences in the warcraft series and starcraft are just cool...... and the credits at the ends of WCIII and Frozen Throne were cool too. I had even the pleasure to play WCIII in German AND English... in both are talkings that are in another way funny:
Mortar team:
Engl: Moooortar Combat!!!! (Mortal combat)
Ger: Mörser-Kampf!!!! (not funny...)

Orc Grunt:
Engl: It's not easy being green! (not funny)
Ger: Es ist nicht leicht, ein Grüner zu sein... (die Grünen are a political party not many people like...)

18-06-2004, 23:18
Lets see some cows exploding or birds catching fire chasing people :rofl:

19-06-2004, 10:59
Hmm.... exploding animals when you click on them often like in WarCraft would be fun. And cows you can throw with catapults. Do you know the film Monty Python and The Holy Grail? There the frenchmen in the castle threw animals on Artus and his Knights who attacked them. They threw cows with catapults and dropped lambs and chicken. Quite fun.

21-06-2004, 18:20
How about a hidden code for some funny voices for the units we can control? :rofl:

21-10-2004, 12:15
In the chat line, when you type: "Hello" the pc answers: "PC: Hi, are you OK?"
Im trying to find more of those...