View Full Version : what type of mutiplayer game do you like the most

16-12-2006, 08:54
what type of mutiplayer game map do you like the most

16-12-2006, 09:00
I don't like KoH multiplayer at all because it doesn't offer strategic play.

It is only about battles and in KoH battles are the last thing I like.

Why should I play a game where I have nothing of my favourite KoH parts? (no diplomacy, no espionage, no economy)

if there's be Europe multiplayer (or regional multiplayer with diplomacy and use of knights) I'd definitely play it

16-12-2006, 09:04
:confused: -equals :rofl:
OMFG how can you not like multiplayer? cuz technically it involves strategic manouvering and tactics plus purchasing a set of units is ummmm kinda/ involves no strategey atall what-so-ever-.plus you do have strategey in economey cuz you have to gain gold to buy units

16-12-2006, 09:24
I believe Elvain prefer to play multiplayer with map like the single mode. I love that too unfortunately I don't think we can play so long and it is hard to find these type of player.

16-12-2006, 16:45
I will not play KoH multiplayer until we have the option to play on Europe as in the singleplayer! I hate the part of the game in which you lead the battles, as far as that goes I have never played in battle mode except for the battle(s) played in the tutorial! I always let the Marshall control the battles, it is the other aspects of the game that I enjoy!

16-12-2006, 16:52
Actually the Tower-battles are quite fun. Mostly if you play 2 vs 2 because otherwise the battlefield is a bit large and you have to do too much at the same time.
But it's really fun to position your troops on the battle line, plan an assault, draw troops together, launch an attack on a tower, simultaneously react to other changes on the battlefield, and keep watching the movements of the enemy.


16-12-2006, 23:38
what you wrote is total crap.

They didn't make strategic multiplayer because the players could use cheats?

I don't play KoH multiplayer because:
1) I prefere other parts of game than leading battles. Battles are fun but it is the last thing I like on KoH. So I see no reason why to play that multiplayer which doesn't include the things that I like the most.
2) technical problems I met everytime when I tried it.

I will play KoH multiplayer if there is possibility to meet other players on other than just battle map.

17-12-2006, 17:12
if you dont like mutiplayer then dont post here!!!

17-12-2006, 17:16
if you dont like mutiplayer then dont post here!!!Small correction. One of the possible answering options to the poll you gave was "none of the above/..." so "No, I don't like multiplayer" seems like a valid point to make in this thread.


17-12-2006, 17:25
if you dont like mutiplayer then dont post here!!!
but I like multiplayer :wink:

I just don't like battle multiplayer :go:

17-12-2006, 19:20
Yeah, I prefer tower battle. Its extremely fun if you play with three other people. If they were to add some additions to the multiplayer it would be sweet; like letting us build somekind of fortifications or what not.:biggrin: Hope the new patch some what addresses this.

18-12-2006, 03:48
while you were talking i just thoguht of sumthing why dont they make sumthing like a mini-campaign where there are armies with knights like usaully and you have like a certain amout of money give to you at the start.you have to buy units with that and replenish them with that and build buildings with it.plus if it were to be mini-campaign multiplayer the only buildings that should be avalible should be:walls,and add-ons to the walls. and mabey a building that supplys you with more money like"tax collecter" or somthing i dunno.

one more thing this part of the post is mainly for the experienced player of KoT/king of towers-do you know how peasants have their own little dirty secret with the gold equals a (*****)with the ability to shoot like a ballista. well they should make patch for it where you can also build a wall like a palisade wall,and plus make max cash 5000 gold and make the structure that shoots 500 gold and walls 250. :cheers: would that make you reconsider about multiplayer elvain

18-12-2006, 09:49
The 'build constructions in Tower-games'-discussion goes here (http://forum.sunflowers.de/showthread.php?t=14361).
