View Full Version : Hi All Fanatic Strategy Gamers!

20-06-2004, 04:14
hi guys first of all we better congratulate ourselfs with SUNFLOWERS and all those who are responsable to bring up such a game like KOH, i think its the first game ever that will give us the chance to play a diplomatic and war raging game with the powerful sense that you know what u are your borders ! i mean its the first game being an empire building game having the actual map of europe!! GREAT ITS A LONG TIME I WAS WAITING FOR SOMETHING LIKE THIS. good very good guys, you dont even know how many medivial era fans are out there.im one of these and i love medivial and colonial era (1490-1800). i have a qustion for all od u guys that think im right. do u think that a game about the colonial era featuring england,france,spain,portugal.holland,sweden and the other important powers of the 1500's be possible after KOH? maybe featuring the same map but focusing on americas? after seeing what SUNFLOWERS DID with KOH I THINK ITS POSSIBLE.we have seen many colonial and trade games but never a KOH style game with actual map can this be possible??? anyone dreams my same dream ????

Sir Turylon
20-06-2004, 04:38

I'd like to see one based on Imperial Age. (or Colonial Age or Age of Enlightenment)

KoH stands posed to take the crown for best Middle Aged real time strategy game.

KoH isn't the first "Europe map" game though. Lord of the Realm series, Europa Universalis series are two others.

and welcome to the forums.

20-06-2004, 11:18
Yep Europa Universalis was the first grand empire building strategy game and it came out years ago together with EU 2 which was cool :cheers: There is also their more time specific games like Hearts of Iron and Victoria, though their lastest game Crusader Kings was crap in my view :(

20-06-2004, 12:12
But EU2 lacked a lot of diplomatic actions.
You just had no control over your political situation.


20-06-2004, 13:27
Boss, have you tried updating CK, it's actually playable with 1.03

20-06-2004, 14:34
Originally posted by Jarlabanke
Boss, have you tried updating CK, it's actually playable with 1.03

I've tried it and it has some nice updates. I even went there and lobbied for some changes which they to my surprise accepted.

Nevertheless even with the latest patch there are some mistakes which I had to fix manually.

Now after all this I can say it's playable although there are still some mistakes.

20-06-2004, 14:55
Over there at Paradoxplaza 'After the patch' is always 'Before the patch'.
They still release new patches for EUII...


20-06-2004, 15:31
sure i playes many hours of EU2 but it never went in deep into battles or indivitual figures in battlefield KOH is GREAT for this for making a gamer,s wish when he playes UE2 now possible under their product !! great

20-06-2004, 15:33
im impressed how active these forums are ! i submitted my thread yesterday and few hours later i had response on my subject , keep it up mates! thanks for ur welcome.

20-06-2004, 20:57
Originally posted by Jarlabanke
Boss, have you tried updating CK, it's actually playable with 1.03 No didnt update it to 1.03 before I uninstalled the game but a patch isnt going to change the funtimentals of the game that I just dont seem to like :scratch:

20-06-2004, 21:14
Originally posted by Angryminer
Over there at Paradoxplaza 'After the patch' is always 'Before the patch'.
They still release new patches for EUII...


same with hearts of iron,... just can say "nice try" but it crashed manytimes and gametime was too short for research. so i spend lot of time to edit that game. but the crashes, even after the 3rd patch made the game just boring so i sold it to a 2nd hand shop.

21-06-2004, 14:30
Oh, I meant that in a positive way. They really try hard to get rid of all the bugs and listen to their user's ideas.


Ben Nevis
21-06-2004, 17:45
Yep Europa Universalis was the first grand empire building strategy game and it came out years ago together with EU 2 which was cool There is also their more time specific games like Hearts of Iron and Victoria, though their lastest game Crusader Kings was crap in my view

You should really check out Lords of the Realm I and II. LotR I (nice analogy) was the very first empire building game, I don't know when it is released but LotR II was released in 1997. Diplomacy is also part of this game, although it is not very important.

21-06-2004, 17:49
I think that if BlackSeaStudios will even think about "Merchants of Honor" or "Conquistadors of Honor", it will take some time. Engine and princeiple can be taken from KoH and everything other (graphic, map) will have to be made from the beggining. But hey, we all think about KoH2's and KoH exploration era, KoH asian empires etc. and Knoghts of Honeor in medieval Europe are not ready yet :D

Wait for the game, then some improvments,if necessery, and then, after some long years of good joy and play, there will be a place for expansion to other eras :)

21-06-2004, 19:39
I agree with everything u sad elewyn! if SUNFLOWERS decide to creat something like EXPLORERS OF HONOUR or CONQUESTADORES OF HONOUR i will be waiting even if u would have 40 yrs that day it come out :)

21-06-2004, 19:46
And i think all gamers would biy every expansion pack that blacksea and flowres would create after having playes KOH ! as i see it with KOH they have the ball on the pentaly spot once scored than they will have nbog morala and fresh ideas !!