View Full Version : Map editor works

27-01-2007, 16:28

create folder called map in koh directory, and copy textures.dt or something inside

it has a lot of bugs naturally but look :eek:

http://img180.imageshack.us/img180/6540/screenshot001oh2.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

http://img295.imageshack.us/img295/8090/screenshot004qh1.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

otto does not like me :silly:
http://img180.imageshack.us/img180/545/screenshot006dr1.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

anyway, something strange happend
I pillaged village in Kingdom2's province, enemy marshal came to battle and vanished for no reason
:angry: :bash: :bash: :bash:

27-01-2007, 16:40
First step and in the future we see new maps..Nice work.:go:

27-01-2007, 16:53
:hello: great :go:

27-01-2007, 17:56
cool map :)

tell me, how to make a new one?

27-01-2007, 21:23
there are instructions on the modding subforum how to run editor
ignore posts after that
create directory map in c:/.../knights of honor
in that directory copy textures.dt from maps/map
run editor and start
it's not that hard to lern to use it, aldo there are blank fiels instead some icon

very important: when you save map, it's there but you cant see it to load it next time you start editor so just go to load, list will be emty but click load again
I think you can have only one map in directory map

sometimes there are erors about 0 byes memory loaded, click ok and continue

maps don't have political view :scratch:

27-01-2007, 23:11
I have made a test map too , and I didn't have the political view too.Also how to zoom out ? (you know,when you zoom in a provance to see the battle view - citadels , houses , etc.)

29-01-2007, 14:44
[1.]create directory map in c:/.../knights of honor
[2.]in that directory copy textures.dt from maps/map

Help me, i don't understand the second step- i made a screenshot of my koh- game folder, where is "maps/map"?
btw, the folder map you see is a new, clear folder made like in 1st step


29-01-2007, 15:40
It's in one of the files in "packs" directory.To unpack the files in you'r "packs" folder use the program "PakMan" (there is a spetial discution about it).
I think the file you must unpack is "europe.pak".

30-01-2007, 13:37
thx, i'll try.
help me once again ;)

i opened PakMan, opened europe.pak and what should i do now?

30-01-2007, 17:08
Select a file,click on it with the right mouse button and select
extract all files - to original directory(ies)
So a folder will apear and in it will be the files you need for starting a new mapeditor project!
:) Wish you luck!

30-01-2007, 17:17
Wow .. this would be cool for a zoomed in Crusader map .. or a map of the Aegean/Anatolia after the 4th Crusade ... or a "Middle Earth" map without the fantasy units (or with if someone wanted to create them).

30-01-2007, 18:04
it worked, tx, but...

i created a new battle map. i wanted to save it but game says:
"There are kingdoms in one team that are enemies or vice versa"...

What's going on?