View Full Version : Questions about the Demo

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06-07-2004, 07:44
I wanted to know what features will the demo have. Will we be able to play random maps? Will there be a scenario of a campaign? Are we going to be able to play in Multiplayer Mode? What civs will be avaiable?

06-07-2004, 12:52
I expect one small map with 2 playable factions and some neutral natives or sth.

06-07-2004, 14:24
Do you mean "Scenario" in the sense of "Mission" ala Age of kings?
No, KoH doesn't have that loosy stuff ;) .
Do you mean "civs" in the sense of Age of Kings?
No, KoH doesn't have bonuses for individual countries.
Do you mean Multiplayer in the sense of Multiplayer-World-View?
No, KoH doesn't have the multiplay-mode on the World-View

Do you mean maps in the sense of World-View-Map?
KoH doesn't have more than one WorldView-Map.

But I can't say anything about the demo's feature. I guess that's a dev's secret :) .


King Yngvar
07-07-2004, 04:01
Hopefully they will let everyone try the demo on this game instead of giving it out to a lucky few...

07-07-2004, 06:39
Well since it is close developer beta (no outside faces), I expect the demo will be public.

Drake Maethor
08-07-2004, 05:51
There is one of those sticky posts saying that YES THERE WILL BE A PUBLIC DEMO!

08-07-2004, 06:02
100% there will be a demo, and that BEFORE the release of the full version!
but no one, except the publsier and the developer, knows waht the limits will be, or you will see and not see in the demo.

08-07-2004, 15:30
Well if i had to guess.......well i would say maybe one multiplayer map and one game mode which will be one history battle small mostlikly, and maybe a tutorial. Or maybe the demo will be the tutorial. Or we could get to try out the world campaing but there is a limit to it , mayb like 100 turns or 3 days. Thats what i think. :cheers:

08-07-2004, 18:04


08-07-2004, 18:30
I Think it will at least be one stand-alone mission (like historical battle or so), because if they would release a part of the campaign they would need to put it the full campaign, they can't just make 2 countrys or so. I hope there will be a toturial as well.

08-07-2004, 18:37
I hope too.

08-07-2004, 22:16
Well since it is close developer beta (no outside faces), I expect the demo will be public.

jooo N1nj4 |-|4x0rzzzzzzz
kude si be jivotno!!!
what kind of beta has infested your evil ninja-haxor mind my friend
can you leak it and send it to me
i promise not to misuse it in a sexual manner

Drake Maethor
09-07-2004, 00:50

Hey!!! give the pills to this girl please!

:rolleyes: Or maybe it was a laxatives overdose....
Yep, that's heavy stuff...

09-07-2004, 02:51
nono dear Drake thats not from the magic pills
im gonna taka them tomorrow and wait till i come back to post something :D
it just happens that i know Arcador
and believe me he is one
3\/1|_ N1nj4 |-|4x00r
JOO 411 \/\/1|_|_ 83 0\/\/|\|3|) 8Y |-|1|\/|

Sir Turylon
09-07-2004, 06:01
*smites 4zzy with Holy anti-h4x0rz magic*

now that is over with...

Perhaps the demo will be based... only in England? :) Island... limited provinces. :D sound good?

09-07-2004, 06:17
or it could be a single player scenario or something small....thats what the other demos ive played are....

i wonder if they will have single player scenarios and an overall big campaign just like in 1503 AD...

Tzar Sartor
09-07-2004, 14:02
I hope there will be some kind of multiplayer or something. As well as one hystorical battle. I will be happy to see the economy of the game too.

Drake Maethor
10-07-2004, 23:13
im gonna taka them tomorrow and wait till i come back to post something :D

I guess she never came back from that trip... :nono:
Poor 4zzY, she was a little crazy... but she was a nice girl...
OK, let's have a :cheers: at her memory and let's continue with the topic! :hello:

11-07-2004, 00:54
:cheers: ;( :cheers:

Sir Turylon
11-07-2004, 04:23
I guess she never came back from that trip... :nono:
Poor 4zzY, she was a little crazy... but she was a nice girl...
OK, let's have a :cheers: at her memory and let's continue with the topic! :hello:

nooo.. it is our Chilvaric duty to save her! break out the horse dung and salsa! :)

hmmm... anyone else notice the typing cursor goes away now in these text boxes....

@Demo.. I hope it is not just a Historical battle. :)