View Full Version : Holy war

17-07-2004, 01:33
i was just wondering that in the game if in the year 1095 u can decide to go on crusade or if u can declare your own crusade like in medevil total war

17-07-2004, 17:30
Since there is no counting of years (so you cannot reach the year 1095) you can declare a crusade by yourself. Or you can join a crusade which was declared by another king. And I think as an Arab state you can go on Dschihad.

17-07-2004, 19:13
Small correction: The pope calls for a crusade.
The pope is the cleric of one kingdom.


17-07-2004, 19:16
So you can only declare a crusade if one of your Clerics is the pope?

Kuno of Gersenau
17-07-2004, 19:18
Yes, so is it...

17-07-2004, 19:31
Good. Then the first thing I will do in KoH is making one of my Clerics a Pope :D

Kuno of Gersenau
17-07-2004, 19:34
Well, this you can't make by yourself, he must be elected as the pope. And you can't simply attack the Papacy and put a new pope on the Vatican, because then you will be excommunicated and all catholic nations will attack you, like Frank said: "Well, sort of suicide"! :D

17-07-2004, 19:47
I'll try this :D