View Full Version : Province features

30-07-2004, 16:29
I am sorry because this question already was asked some time ago, but I'm not sure if it was clearely answered and also it was not asked in the way I will do...

there are some provice features necessary for some buildings for province. We already know that those features will be randomly spread all over game map, but I would like to ask if historical and geographical appereance of those features will be partly implemented in some higher numbers of probability of some features in some regions.


In middle ages in Bohemian and Hungarian realms were big deposits of silver ore, as well as in Alpine, south Hispanian, south Balkan, Scandinavian and Anatolian realms. I guess it would be nice if in those regions will be higher probability of this feature (silver ore)
but for example pasture will have lesser probability in those regions, but in steppe regions of Russia, in areas of northern Germany and France it would be higher.

fertile soil will be more probably in Egypt, northern Italy and fertile areas then in Scandinavia, Bohemia or Alps.
marble deposits with higher probability in Italy, Greece and Anatolia

and some more...

what do you think about it?

30-07-2004, 16:35
i think i heard something like that it was going to be distrubuted not originaly

like when u first play Bohemia u have bonus ore but second time u have bonus marble instead

30-07-2004, 17:35
I know about this and I have nothing against it. I just think that it would be good if there is higher probability for it.
So f.e. from 10 games you will have 3 times silver in Bohemia and others(marble, fertile soil etc.) only once or twice. The same for fertile soil in Lombardia or Egypt. Just to make it not equal, but to move it little more to accurancy.

Make some quotes, for example:
Egypt: 100% possibility of fishery, 70% fertile soil, 30% pasture, 30% marble, 20% gameland, 20% silver, 10% honey, ...
Bohemia: 60% for silver, 40% gameland, 30% pasture, 30% honey, 20% fertile soil, 10% marble, 10% fishery, ...
Andalusia: 100% fishery 60% fertile soil, 50% silver, 30% pasture, 20% marble, 10% honey, 10% gameland, ...
and so on...

30-07-2004, 19:47
I think it's good when it's completely random. So you'll never prefer a certain nation because it has a high propability of a better start.
Random resources are just fair.


30-07-2004, 21:34
How about an option to do both? Have the resources historical accuate and completely random.

30-07-2004, 22:32
good idea, befor you start playing you schould be allowed to choose between a randomized map, and a historical accurate map!!

i think that would raise the flair of the game, because then you now exactly that you will find salt in austria, silver in bohemia and so on...

30-07-2004, 22:57
hmm.. good idea I guess.

When there are 3 prvince features, I guess it can be like...
1 of those 3 will be historically corect(each province will have 2-3 certain prov.fea. and the one will be randomly chosen from those 2-3)
other 2 will be absolutely random

but maybe my ideas are little too much complicating and possible choice between historical corect province featrures and random province features would be better.

by the way, :cheers: welcome, SpaceLord!! :cheers:

30-07-2004, 23:29
good idea, befor you start playing you schould be allowed to choose between a randomized map, and a historical accurate map!!

i think that would raise the flair of the game, because then you now exactly that you will find salt in austria, silver in bohemia and so on...

yop, like in civilization and colonization.

great idea! :cheers: