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23-09-2004, 17:53
No the german version will be full german, what an surprise ;)
I really must have missed something.

Two weeks ago, Mr Fay answered this (http://forum.sunflowers.de/showpost.php?p=53266&postcount=110) to this question (http://forum.sunflowers.de/showpost.php?p=53140&postcount=105).

Do I assume things have changed ?

Kuno of Gersenau
23-09-2004, 17:59
If you buy the german version, you have the opinion to play it also in English, because on German CD, the full English version is included too. :go:

But if you buy English version, you can't play German version, because it isn't on the disk.

23-09-2004, 18:19
If you buy the german version, you have the opinion to play it also in English, because on German CD, the full English version is included too. :go:
... and there was Light ! Thanks Herr von Gersenau.
Lucky Germans :rolleyes:

23-09-2004, 19:24
Important: Please, those of you who doesn't speak German well, better wait for english demo. The game is FULL of texts and you won't be able to play at all. KoH contains more texts than the average RPG out there. To be able to read is essential for many features.

23-09-2004, 19:28
thank you, lord Frujin. I hope the delay of englich/french version won't be long

23-09-2004, 19:29
Important: Please, those of you who doesn't speak German well, better wait for english demo..


:silly: :silly:

Just like port royale 2 , just like medevil conquest im going to play it
to see how it plays ... how things move e.t.c german or not

23-09-2004, 20:46
this is stupid

im sick of waiting for this game..

just release the demo already, who cares about localisation issues, don't you people care about the members here that have been waiting such a long time to play this game?? looks to me like you dont...

23-09-2004, 21:07
They want to give us a good demo. Not a crappy buggy version like the RTW demo. They just want the best for us. Isnt that wordt a few days?

23-09-2004, 21:11
It is only a few days guys. I believe it could be even only 2-3 days ... Frank knows more than I do.

23-09-2004, 21:17
this is stupid

im sick of waiting for this game..

just release the demo already, who cares about localisation issues, don't you people care about the members here that have been waiting such a long time to play this game?? looks to me like you dont...
dude,please dont start like that in this community,this is a quiet little,nice community with guys n gals who love this game,we are willing to wait a few days,im seeing this kind of war also in the forums of soldiers: heroes of WW2
the MP patch should be released couple of weeks ago,but now its announced for,a couple o months,ok,thats crap,but this is ok man,he,we all looooooove frank,frujin,nadine and the rest dude :D :hug: :hello: :cheers:

here,and if you really want to see what commants like yours can make,read this( ps devs/mods,sorry in advance for the cursing in the post,,i just copy/paste it ;)

Greetings and **** me. I'm Jeff Woods, maintenance programmer for Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided. As a maintenance programmer it is my responsibility to manage existing code, write bug fixes, integrate new code while analyzing its impact on existing functionality and be the brunt of your jokes and flames on the forums. **** me. I'm writing this Friday Feature because I'm about sick of your, the valued customer's, torrent of never ending sass-mouth and ill-informed crap. I repeat, **** me. **** me long. **** me hard.

Being a maintenance programmer is such a privileged joy and honor. I get to spend anywhere from eight to twelve, sometimes as many as sixteen straight hours a day locked in an eight by eight cube grinding my *** out writing code that you freaks don't appreciate. Did I mention you can **** me? What I love best is you forum jockeys lamenting the game code while you most likely work in a porn theater as a janitor or mooch off my tax dollars as an unemployed turd, sitting on a couch with no cushion with Chef Boyardee stains all over your wife beater. If you think you can write better netcode I invite you to come down and have a go, after you **** me of course....freak.

Does the game have bugs? Yeah, it has a helluva lot of bugs. What the **** you think I'm doing here **** gobbler? I'm trying to fix the god damn game but you little whiney *****es want new **** too. New **** equals more bugs. IT NEVER ENDS! WHEN I GET ON TOP OF THE HILL I GET BURIED IN A BIGGER PILE OF DUNG! I HATE YOU ALL! DIE! Plus I don't make the decisions, I just code. I wish I did. I'd put a god damn virus in each and every one of your machines and blow up your ****!

Why don't you test the code before you deploy it?

Hey! Why don't you **** me!?

We do test it Corky. Unfortunately we can not test to the level of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND concurrent users to see EVERY bug that may exist. Also some bugs require the "Moron Quotient". That's where you come in. Only morons could uncover some of this crap because right thinking people don't dismount their swoop while trying to call a pet going into a Krayt spawn with orange hotpants AND trying to compose a new email at the same time. Just **** me, I'm sick of justifying myself to a bunch of Monday Morning Quarterbacks who don't even possess the prowess to negotiate the complexities of the local ATM machine. I'll take your coding advice when you can finally figure out how to stop that 12:00 AM on your microwave from blinking incessantly Mr. Beautiful Mind.

Ok, you can't fix all the bugs but can you at least listen to us?

Hey! How about I listen to the "glup, slurp, glup" sounds as you **** me!?

I'll tell you why I don't listen. I can only read so much of your stupid *** bull **** before I lose all faith in the future of humanity and start sorting my guns by barrel flavor. Reading your tripe only confirms the world is full of stupid people with stupid ideas. If good ideas were beers I wouldn't have enough from the forums to get a buzz.

Seriously, let's listen to what you have to say! Here's some gems from the forums that you guys wrote. Names withheld to protect the retarded.

I worked hard by afking 16 profassions to beacoming a Jedi (I had to learn auto-cliker lol!) I should beable to kill ne1 who atatcks me in one hit from my sabar and ne1 I kill should lose XP 2. What do u think?
Aye, you sure "worked hard"! Hard work is coding for 48 hours straight so some guy who spends $15 can call you an *******. I'll get right on this one.

I'm an Impereal and I think I should be able to have teh ATAT pet and call it and it should hve a million HAM and pwnzor teh Rebals! lolz

TKs shoud haev stun Vibrator Knuckles w/ Mind Fire!11
And your parents should have had an abortion...although I do agree that the game needs "Vibrator Knuckles". Hell, Vibrator anything...damn "T for Teen" rating. You get half credit, I kill you last.

I can't read these ideas. I actually feel myself getting dumber if I do. I don't get paid enough for this crap...I quit. After two years of this crap I'M OUT!

**** me.

- Joe

23-09-2004, 21:22
Uhm...whats this about? You want to tell us smth? Is that really you? Did you just copy it? :S


23-09-2004, 21:24
yeah i copied it from here:


that dude has gone waaaaaaaaaay of i think :P

23-09-2004, 21:26
Ah! Well see? Thats a forum unlike ours. :)

23-09-2004, 21:29
Glad I have had German for four years in my highschool time..
Pays off, sometimes, to pay attention at class, I guess :)

Happy downloading for the demo, all of you, hope we enjoy it ...
...OMG, I think we will :hello:

23-09-2004, 21:41
Happy downloading for the demo, all of you

Happy New :scratch: uhm... DOWNLOADING! Harry ;) :bday: :hello:

NoC Lord Fire
23-09-2004, 23:05
BSS guys i love you for making this game but i hate you bcs the germans will play before us grrrr

23-09-2004, 23:48
Ok, you can't fix all the bugs but can you at least listen to us?

Hey! How about I listen to the "glup, slurp, glup" sounds as you **** me!? :D :D :D I particulary like this one !

24-09-2004, 09:20
BSS guys i love you for making this game but i hate you bcs the germans will play before us grrrr

Don't hate BSS for the delay. It is _NOT_ our fault. :)

24-09-2004, 09:44
I can certainly wait a few days for a demo, then again, I didn't know about this game a week ago. The non-warfare elements in Knights of Honor better be great as competing with Rome: Total War over graphics will be an uphill struggle. Reportedly KoH's main flaw is a lackadaisical AI, but then again allegedly so has R: TW. Sunflowers have got time to improve further before the release, lets hope they use the time well. :viking: