View Full Version : Multiplayer balance - was it ever tested?

William Blake
01-10-2004, 03:27
I wish to address very frightening issues I see in the multiplayer battles recently.

First, there is totally wrong system of unit upgrades you can buy. If you want a 1 star archer it will cost you +25% of the price, but for the bowmen its +100% of the price and for the feudal knights its just +10%. And 3 star bowmen will cost you like basic light cavalry!

But the payoffs are totally wrong – 3 star bowmen is nothing better then basic bowmen, they don’t win battles alone. Now take feudal knights, if you still don’t know, you can buy three feudal knights with +3 stars each and 2 bowmen on the tower map. Right after the start you have free slots and 200 gold so you buy another 2 bowmen. But its not the problem the problem is that

YOU CAN”T POSSIBLY KILL 3x3stars feudal knights, that’s right, you cant possibly kill them end of story.

I tested it, well, actually I was kinda owned, but the results are as follows: 3x1star halberds, plus 1 star men@arms all in a tight formation surrounding enemy knights in the WOODS with support of 3 bowmen firing from the tower – my men all gone, he lost like 2-5 of 10 in each unit max. He rests in a second and ready for action again.

To make long story short – I flagged all but 1 tower on the map, he used only these 3 knights, we spent like 1.5 hours. I tried everything, halberds, archers, woods, hills, towers… I bought 3 knights myself + spears archers and halberds…. Every time he went in and slain them all, these 3 star knights just can’t be killed, never run and they heal extremely fast. Not to mention that they have uber speed and attacking their camp doesn’t mean much.

Next game I played, guess what? I bought them myself and just went on enemy army: 4 halberds, 2 archers, 2 cavalry - all were owned with front strike, that was kinda funny they surrounded my like an ants, there were all over me, but all get trashed and ran, I had minor losses, enemy quit the game seeing this.

So we clearly see absolutely dominant strategy which totally ruins maps where you can buy units. Question is wtf? Did you ever test it?

Now I really fear that in the full game, which I’m gonna buy mostly to play against people we will have to play random armies only, because everyone will have few maxed heavy cavalry and all other units will be history.

The only hope is that in the full game there will be CHEAP units that can DEAL with these tanks. Like crossbows maybe, but again halberds are specifically designed against them and they FAIL totally. Any comments? Should be looked at, devs, otherwise… well.

Anyhow, I strongly believe that the first thing you, dear devs, should add to the patch to-do list is to links upgrade prices to the basic price of a unit. It should be +% not +constant for all units.

Second issue, the initial army placement. Take open field map – you have 1 on 1, opponents are in the different corners and the always will be in these corners, so the distance between them is always maxed. Now in the tower map 1 on 1, you always have you opponent right next to you, so you are crowded in a half map and the other half is free, why don’t make it like on the open map – maximum distance?

On the other hand 3 on 3, why some1 is ALWAYS between 2 enemies? I just can understand it, with 3 vs 3 someone will always lose at the very start just because he has 2 enemies right on his flanks and all friends are far away. Kinda unfair, don’t you think?

And the last issue, random armies for open battle, I can understand the idea of “random” but then 1 guy gets 4 feudal knights and 2 light cavalry and the other horde of peasants its…. doesn’t feel right to be honest. But well, it’s a minor issue.

FIX THE UPGRATE PRICES as soon as possible, please. Devs, pretty please with sugar on top. Or at least let us upgrade units on the field for the same price and increase the gold limit. Come on – you own all map and you can do nothing about 3x3 knights…. how come?

01-10-2004, 04:29
Sorry for offtopic but... man! :beek: When did you have time to check all of this so extensively?! You should get on board of the dev team, a councellor like yourself is certainly more useful before the game is released, than after :go:

William Blake
01-10-2004, 06:41
Now after some testing the anti-tank combination was found, but... but you can't possibly do it with regular units, meaning:

If you dont make RIGHT choice before the game, in the game no matter what you do, you can't beat 3 tanks.

3 tanks beat 3 PLAYERS on tower map, thats right 3 on 1, ownage. With all morale penalty and what r not:) Anyhow, the next uber combination was found and I didnt test it much, maybe you can't beat that one at all, but it sure beats tanks, oh well... knowledge is a cruse.

Sir Turylon
01-10-2004, 07:22
Now after some testing the anti-tank combination was found, but... but you can't possibly do it with regular units, meaning:

If you dont make RIGHT choice before the game, in the game no matter what you do, you can't beat 3 tanks.

3 tanks beat 3 PLAYERS on tower map, thats right 3 on 1, ownage. With all morale penalty and what r not:) Anyhow, the next uber combination was found and I didnt test it much, maybe you can't beat that one at all, but it sure beats tanks, oh well... knowledge is a cruse.

have you tried crossbowmen against the knights behind a bunch of halbrediers? Crossbowmen should be able to take em out.

yeah.. this is a major problem in the demo in 1v1 openfield. You randomly spawn with units. Once I have 4 light cavalry, 2 horse cavalry, 3 highlanders, 2 sowrdsmen, and my knight... Opponent had... 3 feudal knights and a horde of slavonic bowmen... his knights just tore through everything... I tried forming up a wall, and had archers to try to take the knights down... nothing doing. spearmen woulda been nice... but no spearmen. (soon I just started to rush my quickest and best units towards his knight. why kill 3 feudal knights when you can only kill one knight? hehe

William Blake
01-10-2004, 08:33
No i didnt try crossbows since I have only beta and in my "village" they wont sell KoH so I have to wait an order from overseas.

The problem is not the feudal knights themselfs, but upgraded +3 star feudal knights, these beasts just own the battlefield, with ANY combination of regular (no stars upgrades) beta units you CANT possibly take them down. Even with upgrates you need to know exact combination and tactics. Its very easy to fail, I must say.

With 4 lights, 2 (what is horse cavalry, not in the beta? or you mean horse archers?) and 5 swords you can manage vs 3 knights if you take them appart from the archers.

01-10-2004, 08:33
We have to anounce something according this. Will do later today.

Nicolin de Odel
04-10-2004, 16:18
But wait, as we found out, regular spears, cheap and plenty of em, and they have lotsof money left to upgrade them with too. These can kill three tanks. They can even kill them when the spears have no upgrades.
Someone on each team should take the spears, just in case some cheapo has tanks on the other team. Then another team should be devaoted to ranged attacks with some melee fighters for close combat just for good measuer, and another calvalry as much as possible for fast attacks. Calvalry flanks, Ememy advances archers and bowmen take as many down as possible then four groups of two star upgraded spears charge the enemy advance, if the enemy flanks with calvalry set up spears to take that direction in defense. Thats aboot it for now.

We fight with Honor, for Valor and the glory of WAR!!!

William Blake
04-10-2004, 17:55
Due all respect we found out it 2 days later:) And still I never faced anyone with enough spears to beat 3 tanks. It was done once by a guy who I wont mention and he somehow obviously knew what was gonna happen and made a very specific setup.

Now I have to agree that the balance is there, you just need very specific units in large numbers to beat another very specific units in large numbers. Which should strike fear and terror in new players because they will feel total weakness then facing veteran specific armies.

But still I honestly think that price of the star should be linked to the price of the unit, +3 archer makes no sence, just output doesnt worth the gold, then +3 heavy cavalry or any top of the line unit is just the way to go.

And it would very very very nice if the units could gain stars in the battle, then skill would matter and you could have an option to level up you units at the start or have more units and gain stars in the battle.

Nicolin de Odel
05-10-2004, 04:03
Apperantly the units get better as they win and survive more fights during battles, on towers at least...

06-10-2004, 12:22
Yop, my peasants got +1 star...and eventually died ..or were the axemen?

06-10-2004, 15:48
That might explain why I regularly get trounced by feudal knights. :angry:

06-10-2004, 20:36
They are tha strongest unit in the game as far as I know. And sometimes they charge automaticly. Maybe they will get more expensive (for stars) in future.

08-10-2004, 07:49
Yah. 3x3 Feudal Knights are just -brutal-. They're essential, at least in demo, for any good tower war.

See why I like open battlefield? But then again, I hate it when I roll 5 units of horse archers against 5 regular cavalry.

08-10-2004, 08:15
Balance is improved in the patch. Also, the price for the experience level is mae as % of the squad price. New mechanics are added.

William Blake
08-10-2004, 08:20

can we know the exact numbers and stuff? How exactly you improved and what?

And when the patch is coming out?

Sooner you share the details, sooner "we, people of the community" can spot problems.

08-10-2004, 08:58
:) about details - Sunflowers have to allow us to share ..

William Blake
08-10-2004, 09:14
I dont ask for source code, Im asking as a player who needs to know what changed in the game to play it.

I'm sorry though, dont mean to create you any trouble with publisher. Could you maybe outline the logic behind changes? How big are they?

08-10-2004, 09:21
I'd love to see a changelist posted somewhere, either on the Knighs of Honor website or here. William Blake is right - it's had the same effect in almost every other online game I can mention, the community gives faster feedback and more improvements can be made and balances struck in less time.

King Yngvar
09-10-2004, 17:08
The feudal knights are really overpowered, why not make it so, that when cavalry charge spearmen, they die just by the touch of the spear?