View Full Version : Demo gameplay questions

02-10-2004, 09:19
I got several questions for the devs or someone that figured the answers already.

1. How to find out how much bonuses give assigning Landlord, Merchant, Builder to a city? I found the give only +1. (at level 1) That makes the merchant virtually useless since the simplest trade routes give +3.

2. What is the progression of city limit and population? How fast the cities get bigger and populated and how to help that?

3. Several battles in the demo aren't avaiable for single control take over, is it that changed in the full? (I am taking about A fortifyed camp attacked by someone, fight on the territory of some village/mine/church vs other army (not the pillage). Meeting the armies in front of the gates (after siege) and so on ?

Sir Turylon
02-10-2004, 20:42
1. Merchants are primarily trade route negotiators. Do not use them in your cities, early in the demo you can have +20 and +30 gold trade routes.. easy.

2. Population increase depends upon food intake, iirc. Try this out... first building granary, second building fish mongery (if you can have it), third building tool smith, fourth building inn... unless you are at war, this is a good start. granary doubles food storage making unit prodution faster and population increase faster from the + to food intake. Fish mongery is very useful for food intake and also for gold income. docks, or upgraded fish mongeries, are great money makers, btw. Tool smiths are neccesary if you plan on being able to build anything ;). Inns are great at keeping the peasents happy, form all the ale, and are also great at helpng out building.

Make sure you check out what special resources your province has... Sheep farms, horse farms, cow farms are also great at helping increase food intake... Also, some of the smiths also provide +s to work units.

3. I think that was done to simplify the demo down more.


Kyivan Power
03-10-2004, 06:24
where the hell is the Dipro River ?!?!?! thats gay ... oh so very gay .... to many of the Castles look the same too ....i dunno i guess i expected more....

03-10-2004, 07:37
Go play strongholds