View Full Version : Normal and Hard- the differences are?

08-10-2004, 18:11
So what IS the difference between Normal and Hard difficulty.

Anyone know? Does the AI just get cheating amounts of resources and hate you all the time on hard?

Please let me know.

08-10-2004, 18:16
1. You can't select "Pause during battles" in "hard".
2. The AI will use espionage more often and try to use its allies against you more often. The AI's diplomatic attempts are quite clumsy at the moment, but Frank Fay said that the AI at least attempts to isolate you from your allies before it declares war upon everyone :D .
3. I believe it tries to flank you more often in CloseView and attacks enemy towns more often (on "easy" it just goes pillaging the farms...).


08-10-2004, 18:32
Does it get tons of resources for free too? I notice on Normal (where I'm playing) it seems to have lots of money all the time- easy pickings for holding hostages...

08-10-2004, 20:28
Hmm not sure about the free money, but I haven't notice so big difference in the AI behavor.
What I want is on Hard (or separate option) the AI to take the player as HIGH priority danger, also I would like to see the warlust AI making really strong units and storming the player at his less defended spots. (well maybe some of this is already ingame but I haven't spoted it)
Otherwise said I want a difficulty where the AI crush the player like a bug using every little mizery it can make ;P

08-10-2004, 20:56
Well, that would be OK with me if they added ONE more level of difficulty for that feature, like: "'Nigh on Imposible!"

Lord Sandman
11-10-2004, 13:09
Yeah, I totally agree. I usually don't finish games, which are too easy on hardest difficult level... Totally waste of time IMO... I read many post from you about AI in hard level in this game. All of you said that game is too easy... And if KoH will not be more challenging and clever on highest difficulty level then I won't buy it... Better I'll waiting for patch and your opinion about game after including it.

And one think.... Changed difficulty IMO shouldn't depend on cancell option of active pause in game while battle occurs...

Anyway, KoH is great. I hope that developers make tis game greatest...