View Full Version : Time issues...

11-10-2004, 17:26
I'm waiting for the full game (in the mail) and been playing the demo... how are we suppose to tell the time with this game ? I mean beside watching the treasury change every so often - there's no way to tell the date we're at.

Oh and are thereplans for an editor - or maybe it's included in the full version ?


Alex Poff
11-10-2004, 17:32
Good question. No, it is not in the retail version. I, too, would like to have a sense of "time" in the game, where we can see how many "years" have gone by, if at all possible.

11-10-2004, 20:17
There is no "time" in the game other than day and night. This prevents you from running a medieval kingdom in the 21st century.

So basically, the time is "Medieval Europe" and that's it.


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11-10-2004, 20:26
Can't you count the day-and-nights, Huh (like they did in the Medieval prisons)?

Alex Poff
11-10-2004, 21:04

I see what you mean. You're right of course. I have gone through multiple generations of my king and his heirs and would now be close to 20th century time, which just would not be realistic.


12-10-2004, 01:23
I think an improved event log would be a good addition to the game without implementing dates/years. Maybe something like: accomplishments under 1st Generation King, population size during 3rd Generation King, etc. Something at least to show and review your progress and not necessarily time itself.