View Full Version : Devs comments a month ago....interresting!!!

05-12-2003, 22:55
Originally posted by Frank Fay (in a thread from a month ago)
Let me point out some philosophical differences before I try to answer.

KoH is ONE whole game, means battles start seamlessly without any delay for loading, switching screen resolution etc.

KoH is played completely realtime.

KoH is neither a classical RTS or an empire building game. It is an Empire Conquering Simulation.

In KoH you do not need to battle at all, you could leave this to the AI. You also can ignore the Diplomacy or Espionage. So it depends what you like you can do more and less of the others. But it is really up to your personal strategy what you play more.

But I am sure while in the beginning you will maybe lead all your battles, but when are becomming bigger you have to deal with other things and may want to lead only the important battles. Imagine a Kingdom of 30 - 60 realms? Imagine that you can have more than one battle at a time? Imagine further that you can have different type of battles and you conquer and re-conquer territory.

Originally posted by Frujin (in a thread from a month ago)
Yes! My friend and colleague Frank told it very right I'd like to add that we had to re-shape and to re-define all of so called "typical RTS mechanics" to be able to make KoH. It is truly unique game. I can assure you never saw something like that before. Economy, diplomacy, espionage, battle system, game world mechanics ... all is pretty hard to compare to this or that game from the past.

I know you all have already favorite games and perhaps you all have already perception for what KoH is going to be. Perhaps you hope that KoH will be more like your favorite game "but much better". I'd like to point that perhaps your perception more or less is wrong. KoH is really unique. Someone from the industry told me once, that "you can't avoid the trap of being compared with others. Because when you make new game with ball, whatever rules you invent, the ball is always a ball. And there will be always people telling you that this is yet-another-football-game." So, yes, we have units, castles and map. Yes, the game is Real Time Game. Yes, we have the ball included :)

The purpose of this forum and KoH offcial page is not to give you empty hopes or to inflict misunderstanding. The main goal for us is to communicate what KoH will be, to explain the game rules and mechanics to you, so you can make up your mind. And after this happens you can help us a lot to polish the game and make it really strong and entertaining. Because we, at Black Sea Studios, are all slaves of the gameplay. That's what we think is most important in games. Do you remeber these gameplay monsters from early 90ies? :)

So, expect very soon, detailed articles about game mechanics, screenshots, gameplay movies, music samples, etc, etc, etc ...

Didnīt read this topic before...found it with the search....thought cause only 64 People read the post...I post it again....so everyone can read it....I found it very interesting....

Frank Fay
06-12-2003, 08:51
Why shall we get mad ?

06-12-2003, 10:44
Originally posted by Frank Fay
Why shall we get mad ?

Well ok not mad....but maybe ....I don't really know why I said that.....deleted it now too.....so ....you can delete these two posts...not very interesting... but the first one should stay....really do think it is interesting to read....