View Full Version : Experience

16-10-2004, 13:54
Where can i see the level of experience of my units? How can i gain it?
Thanks :p

Sir Michael
16-10-2004, 14:04
When your in battle you can click on the little tabs to view each groups morale, stamina, etc and one of the options is experience. To view your marshal's experience you will see a arrow by his portrait, click that to expand it and you can see how many abilities he has, his xp bar, and how many unspent points he has.

Other than battles I dont know of another way to get experience.

Damn Dirty Ape
16-10-2004, 14:52
you must be stupid....

16-10-2004, 16:37
I'm asking about the empty experience stars, bottom in the left, near the picture of the unit in the battle view. I can give my unit to three stars of experience, but they are disappearing immediately and are always empty./after many battles/

William Blake
16-10-2004, 16:37
There is no hidden experience, but stars only. I.e. units with same number of stars are absolutely the same.

If unit fights a lot and survives a lot it can gain star, the exact system is not known to me, but I know that you can't do like "10 kills, 2 campings" to get a star for sure.

16-10-2004, 16:51
your marshal needs to be outside of a town. then you click on the < arrow thing above your units and you can toggle a bunch of different unit stats to view.

King Yngvar
16-10-2004, 18:56
He doesn't need to be outside a town...