View Full Version : 2 little questions

18-10-2004, 22:24
He, I don't understand 2 things:

1. What is the use of daughters???

2. Can I call for a Jihad or for a crusade???

p.s. I'm sorry if these questions are already asked, don't flame me.. :)

Thanks for your time.... :hello:

Alex Poff
18-10-2004, 22:28
There is a great thread discussion on the actual "use" of daughters. Search around, you'll find it. Too long to repeat it. As for the crusade, no you can't call for one, and the jihad, apparently you can, although I have no idea how you do it.

18-10-2004, 22:42
as a moslem state you can call a djihad, every of your mosques will send some soldiers to fight any foreign army within your realm. (these troops are weak so its not worth the loss in piety an money)

Only if one of your clerics becomes pope (will happen at the dead of the old pope, if your guy is skilled and you realm is powerful), youŽll be able to call crusades and excomm your opponents :). But be careful with that, intensive use of these papal powers will probably cause your own excommunication.

18-10-2004, 23:54
You can't call crusade when you're pope- except of your own knights. Anyone ever force OTHER kingdoms to go on crusade? I ahven't been able to.

18-10-2004, 23:59
But how can I call for a Jihad??

Thanks in advance guys, I will search the thread about the use of daughters..