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13-12-2003, 07:01
As the FAQ say-there will be 25 units in the game-right!And *** we all know units will look different with every gained level-right!That means that there will be atleast 100 different units in the game-right!Not including the unique ones!

My question is will we meet neutral units or armies which are willing to join us or willing to fight us:) ?It would be very nice if there were -lets say barbarians!

13-12-2003, 08:55
Barbarian? Who were your barbarian in medieval Europe? Afterall, Scots were considered as barbarian by the english, the english were considered as barbarian(especially pre-Hasting) by the french, the french were considered as barbarian by the italians, and the italians were considered as barbarian by the arabs...

Concerning if there are neutral troops you can hire... I did a quick search on the word "mercenaries". Every times someone asked if there will be mercenaries, no one on the staff answered. I think we can just assume that there will be no mercenary because Frujin or Frank would have been glad to tell us "Yes".

Perhaps it's possible to pay the king of a kingdom you are not at war with to attack another kingdom, though.

13-12-2003, 09:43
Is it true that units will look different as they gain levels of experience? I wouldn't have thought so.

13-12-2003, 10:58
[QUOTE]Originally posted by vanedor
[B]Barbarian? Who were your barbarian in medieval Europe? Afterall, Scots were considered as barbarian by the english, the english were considered as barbarian(especially pre-Hasting) by the french, the french were considered as barbarian by the italians, and the italians were considered as barbarian by the arabs...

Yes, there were barbarians in Medieval Europe-atleast untill the 13 century!And i'm not speaking of England France or Germany-i mean real barbarians which came from central Asia I think!Like the mongol tribes!The reason that Frujin and Frank are not replying may be that thy're hiding something special;) !

13-12-2003, 16:23
I'd have to check on a timeline, but I think at that time there were still Vikings, weren't they?

However, as for neutral troops, I think mercenaries would be the best choice. After all, hiring mercenary forces was quite common for medieval realms. They were ready for battle at the time they got hired and mostly already had some experience.

13-12-2003, 20:31
I heard that we can hire mercanerys.( did i spell that right?)

13-12-2003, 20:32
"The reason that Frujin and Frank are not replying may be that thy're hiding something special !"

heh, more likely, they just try to not disapoint anyone by saying "no". It's a simple rule of thumb game creators tend to follow. But I guess you may always hope.

As for your barbarians, I guess in a very early scenario, you could have the vikings before 911, the huns(Avares) and the saxons, defeated by Charlemagne... but I don't imagine being able to hire them as you could with mercenaries.

13-12-2003, 20:42
Originally posted by vanedor
"The reason that Frujin and Frank are not replying may be that thy're hiding something special !"

Actually i think they are still on the presstour or on their way back from the presstour.

13-12-2003, 21:31
"Actually i think they are still on the presstour or on their way back from the presstour."

We were talking about the treads like those two



where people are asking if there is going to have mercenaries.

13-12-2003, 23:01
I'll also hpe that we will be able to hire mercenaries I think that they should be paid in gold and food, this way i think that the player would think twice before hiring them cause they would be very expensive maintain. I also think it should be possible to disband the mercenaries when the player don't feel the need to use'em anymore.

13-12-2003, 23:17
If this game is going to stay true in some way to history then simply disbanding mercenaries should cause a lot of trouble. All of a sudden, you have thousands of organized professional soldiers in your kingdom without jobs. And the best way they know how to make money is on the battlefield. Probably yours now.

As well, mercenaries did not become widely used or available until the mid to late medieval period, so this should be represented as well if there are mercenaries.

14-12-2003, 09:22
Originally posted by vanedor
As for your barbarians, I guess in a very early scenario, you could have the vikings before 911, the huns(Avares) and the saxons, defeated by Charlemagne... but I don't imagine being able to hire them as you could with mercenaries.
I think thet in the earlier map, they will be as one special nation. Normans, Saxons, Moravians, Magyars/Hungarians, Bulgarians, Alpine Slavs, Bugarians etc.. and hope that Arabs in Spain(even if they are everything but not BARBARIANS)

14-12-2003, 14:24
Well, disbanding mercenary forces is not a problem - as long as you were able to pay them. Dismissed mercenaries usually just moved on to the next nation who was willing to hire them (after all they were completely neutral).
However, if the king or the local lord was unable or unwilling to pay them right, the mercenaries were then used to just take it from the land.
This has been this way in medieval europe, and I think it should be just like this in KoH.

Small side-note: Mercenary troops used to work after some kind of codex which regulated payment for the different "types" (captain, archer, heavy infantry with a formation of pikes or light infantry criss-crossing the battlefield in small groups of swordsmen) of soldiers and behavior as well as some basic rules ("never let yourself get bribed", for example).
It was also quite common to demand and extra-fee for dangerous missions like to besiege a city, which was for example called "Sturmgeldt" in german, which could be explained as "stormgold" or "stormfee" etc.

14-12-2003, 17:38
Originally posted by Adaon
I'd have to check on a timeline, but I think at that time there were still Vikings, weren't they?

Who the heck do you call Barbarians
Vikings were vikings not barbarians.
Thank you

14-12-2003, 18:08
Sorry to say this but Vikings are considered barbarians.Nothing personal.

14-12-2003, 18:13
OFCOURSE vikings were barbarians..........and we are damn proud of it ;)

14-12-2003, 18:21
Barbarians bah
Vikings are more than just a bounch of drunken guys with big axes sailing around in ships raiding coastal towns.
The oldest monarchi in the world is Denmark it goes back to some where in 900.
But okay those you can't match in strength and fame is always esay to call what they are not.

14-12-2003, 18:23
And you should be:D !

I have to admit -bulgarians also were called barbarians in 6-9 century!Altough we didn't act like ones.
We believed in one god-Tangra-god of the sun and ruler of all.

One god to rule them all-six were given to the... oo wait thats a different thing:D .

14-12-2003, 18:29
The oldest monarchi in the world is Denmark it goes back to some where in 900.

Hahaha is that what they teach you in school?Bulgaria had monarchy dating back to 681 A.D.!And even she isn't the oldest monarchy in the world!

14-12-2003, 19:02
I belive the term barbarians to be crap, even more so as many of those calling the vikings barbaric were more barbaric themselves.
And Denmark isn't the oldest monarchy in the world, but they've had the same royalline sitting there for the longest period of time.