View Full Version : The recovery of villages and other settlements of provinces

De Slard
12-11-2004, 13:43
Would you increase time of the recovery of settlements much more?
Like in game Lord of Realms 2 to do it depended from the features in province.

12-11-2004, 16:05
What do you mean exactly? The time it is needed to bring a province under your control after having besieged it. Or the time a monastry or say farm needs to have to be build up again after a plunder?

And why should the time be increased?

13-11-2004, 07:31
The purpose of plunder is to remove the province's ability to fight. Without food, the city can't be defended. As it is you have to have atleast three armies wandering one province to ensure that all the settlements stay burned while another one sieges the castle.

Historically you burned everything down first and then sieged the castle, not both at the same time. Once it was burned it was burned, and it wasn't coming back until the army left.

I'd say double the time atleast.

13-11-2004, 17:21
How about the villages won't start recovering until all enemy armies have left?

13-11-2004, 21:12
How about the villages won't start recovering until all enemy armies have left?

I like this idea. They do seem to recover too fast.

Without food, the city can't be defended.

I think this is discussed in a couple other threads. Food seems to make no real difference as there is no point to sieging a castle. You should just jump right in and assault it.


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14-11-2004, 05:00
I think this is discussed in a couple other threads. Food seems to make no real difference as there is no point to sieging a castle. You should just jump right in and assault it.[/url]
I conquered providence before under seige. I didn't need to assault it at all.

De Slard
15-11-2004, 12:46
How about the villages won't start recovering until all enemy armies have left?

Good idea.

Additional suggestions:
1) Time of recovery must depend from numbert of workers in castle.
2) Let us to choose what kind of settlements will be appeared.

15-11-2004, 19:17
Good idea.

Additional suggestions:
1) Time of recovery must depend from numbert of workers in castle.

Good idea.

Let us to choose what kind of settlements will be appeared.

Don't like this one. Some land has more strategic value than others. Reflected in the types of settlements that you get.


Pearls of Wisdom - Health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.

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