View Full Version : Difficult level

21-12-2003, 22:49
As far as i recall there have been said that there will be 3 dificult levels.
My general experience with strategy games is something along these lines in general.
First game is almost always played on normal never easy.
Normal is often found to easy half way through the first game, when you have got to know the game a bit.
Second game you put it up a level so now we are at the hard level and can't go up anymore since KoH only have 3 levels.
Now i am starting to wonder, ain't 3 levels a bit to few.
I mean when/if you have played this game the first few times, you have spent not just houers but days with it.
At that point 3 levels just ain't enough, if you don't start to set up goals for your self, like winning the game without never ever have your kingdom fighting a battel. Never saving the game unless you have to stop for the day and so on.
So if your sticking with those 3 difficult levels.
Will you then make some extra options at the start of a game linked with the difficult level to make the game harder for the player, if he want so, or is it just me that is miss inforemed about the 3 levels ???

21-12-2003, 22:57
I couldn't find anything on this forum about 3 levels....so I don't know where you got it from....

but I also think that that is a bit few.....most of the games I know there are 5....easy, normal, hard , very hard and diety or something....

hope you are wrong....

22-12-2003, 00:27
I also heard there are only 3 difficulty levels, but when i was looking for that thread were the mods have mentioned it i didn't find it. It just seems like it disapeared. Anywho i prefer only 3 difficulties.

22-12-2003, 06:42
I really don't care :D , but others sake i would go with Arjenvs on this one, coz the more difficaultylevels there are the more players would find the game attracttive both the inexperienced player and the hardcore strategist - so five level it is :) .......i hope :D

06-01-2004, 22:37
Are there only 3 difficulty levels?

07-01-2004, 02:47
Yes, as far as we know.:cheers:

07-01-2004, 10:06
Originally posted by Cork2
Yes, as far as we know.:cheers:

Yes...duuuhhh....I can read!!!! This question was for the devs....I allready know what 'we' think.......


07-01-2004, 17:33
Oh sorry.:cheers:

07-01-2004, 22:59
I'm sure with a game as loaded with as much cool stuff one empire ruling game can take they will have the right difficulty level for every player.

08-01-2004, 04:03
True, i don't mind that there are only 3. I will of course try each of them out and see which i like the best. I want it Difficult but not to Difficult that i can't beat it. I am pretty sure i can beat it ony all 3, but i will have to wait and see.:cheers:

08-01-2004, 04:10
As long as it is fun people will keep playing it until they do beat it if you keep losing battles and you are having no fun well then there isn't much point of owning such a game now is there?