View Full Version : Oh, come on! Multiplayer campaign!

31-12-2003, 03:32
Knights of Honor looks like it will be a deep, enjoyable middle-age empire game similar to the Total War series, but with more depth and detail. However, like the Total War series, it could be stigmatized by a lack of a multiplayer campaign!
I play EU2 <i>a lot</i> at LAN parties and online. Never underestimate the willingness of a group of people to save and reload a 20 to 50 hour long campaign. I assure you, your effort in creating a multiplayer campaign would not be in vain.
I know I have no authority to demand this, but I urge consideration. You have two quarters left. Unless a multiplayer campaign is a definite <i>in</i> for an expansion, I would unquestionably buy this game with multiplayer campaign support.

31-12-2003, 07:03
I hate to say this even if it would be cool, but this has been asked befor and the mod/devs have made up their mind. They will not have it with release. They might have it with a expantions if they make one.