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Sir Jack
05-01-2004, 18:07
You know in Germany we had a lot of Kingdoms with an own King.One bigger one smaler :king:
For example :king: Bavaria, Württemberg, Saxen, etc.. :scratch:
In the sreenshots I have seen :cool: only one big empire. I think it was the emporer (Kaiser) empire.
Is this area not a little bit to big against the others.
I prefere to make more Kingdoms and not one big emporer empire.
Whats your opinion ? :confused:

05-01-2004, 18:24
There is also Bavaria. And besides its prolly in hte middle of the game so he may have conquered some citys.

05-01-2004, 19:53
There is only one kingdom for whole Germany: The Holy Roman Empire (HRE)
I'm trying to at least make Bohemia independent, but I think I can support you. In late medieval period at least when the emperor was weaker than "princes"

There's only problem to chose them ;(
Bohemia, no doubt; Bavaria, no doubt; Austria, no doubt; Saxony/Meissen, no doubt; Pfalz/Palatinate, ...; Brandenburg... But I recognize here one problem: all of them are just one-realm-kingdoms(except Bohemia+Moravia+Silesia and Austria+Tyrolia/Styria)

To Cork2
Bavaria is there just one of realms (not KINGDOM), like Normandy or Anjou, or Edinburgh etc.

I tried to start discussion about this theme in "Status of the HRE" here

Sir Jack
06-01-2004, 19:03
Thanks Elewyn´for the link to your thread ! ;)

I know that all these realms are together one Kingdom, the HRE.
But I also know that the emporer (Kaiser) had not the best influence to the independent Kingdoms, because he was hopping around :rofl: from one city to the other and where he was at moment, there was the capital city of the HRE.

I think it would be very nice when one of the mods will say us his/her opinion to this discussion:cool: :confused:

06-01-2004, 19:14
I can't dou anything than agree with you, but, honestly, if every german principaty is a nation, there would be too much nations, because then every independent state all around Europe would have the same law, like: Venice,Navarre, Kiev, Novgorod, Smolensk, Genoa, Milan, Pisa, Firenze, Teutonic order, Livonian order, in early France all the ones like Anjou, Maine, Aquitaine, Tolouse, Champagne, Bourgogne, Flandres, Bretagne and then also small ones oin HRE like Holland, Braibant, Hennegau, Hessen, Nassau, Cologne/Köln, Trier and Mainz(these 3 were really important, I know) etc.

So then I think only the bigger ones like Bohemia, Austria, maybe Brandenburg and Pfalz/Palatinate, but not all, only electors/kurfirsts

07-01-2004, 23:38
Speaking of playing with smaller kingdoms vs. one large empire per region i hope that one can start of with some of the civilizations that other games had simply made rebels out of such as the scottish and the vikings i would really like to have a large array of kingdoms to choose from.

08-01-2004, 03:49
The devs/mods. Will realease the list of which country you can play as this year.

08-01-2004, 04:21
I'm sure they know by now it would be quite awesome though if they could realease that tidbit of info:D

09-01-2004, 20:26
Rember that there are more than 1 starting scenarion.
So that means there is no final list of what nation there is and how big they are, it all depends on the starting conditions you chose.
As far as i rember there are 3 different world scenarios you can start the game from. so that means 3 different maps. (in regrads to empire borders)

Frank Fay
09-01-2004, 21:44
As I said we reveal the final kingdom / realm list soon.

10-01-2004, 19:36
Originally posted by Es.
Rember that there are more than 1 starting scenarion.
So that means there is no final list of what nation there is and how big they are, it all depends on the starting conditions you chose.
As far as i rember there are 3 different world scenarios you can start the game from. so that means 3 different maps. (in regrads to empire borders) What? that doesn't mean there won't be a final list. All that means is that the final list will include each kingdom in all three starting points combined.

10-01-2004, 20:08
I hope that there will be 3 final lists of nations. For early- high- and late-middle ages

10-01-2004, 22:27
I agree, that would be the logical course of action. :angel:

Frank Fay
11-01-2004, 10:29
I hope that there will be 3 final lists of nations. For early- high- and late-middle ages

That will happen. But some kingdoms may appear in more than one. But the names of the realm will be consistent in all three entry points.

11-01-2004, 10:45
So, as I expected.
Actually, There must be some constant kingdoms, like byzantine emp. England etc.

11-01-2004, 16:23
Norway :cheers:

11-01-2004, 17:44
Doesn't the early period begin in the 7-hundreds or so?

11-01-2004, 17:54
The meaning of the term "early medieval period" is different in every country...


11-01-2004, 18:05
Yes, but in the game...

11-01-2004, 18:57
I am wondering about that too. Especially because of the differences in interpretation in every country.