View Full Version : Question of balance and historical accuracy.

Neural Eclipse
15-04-2005, 01:40
I don't know about you guys, but using horse archer type of units feels like cheating when I play, especially when it's the steppe cavalry. I recently tried fielding just 9x of them as my regular army, going for all the best upgrades possible for them and after the upgrades, they practically became invincible, as if they weren't strong enough to begin with. And once they got up to 3 stars, it was just over for anybody or anything they came across... I'd only lose single digit numbers of horsemen here and there to fluke attacks (like not paying attention and walking into a ballista tower during assault, but at 3 stars, ballista tower is terrible against them).

Though, if I was going up against a huge castle, I'd usually bring in a second marshal with some siege equipment to make a hole in the wall faster, but it wasn't truly necessary. I could have just slashed through the gate.

Anyway, here's where the question-title of the thread comes in. If you look at the Mongol Horde, they were ridiculously effective in history, as the horse archer types are in the game, but how is the AI supposed to deal with this threat if the most armored units it cranks out are... well, actually castle guards (since they are treated as heavy armor, which gives a -50r CTK penalty on the arrows), but those go down to a few volleys. Plus I can always camp to get more arrows. And that -50r seems to go away after squad/marshal upgrades (not technically, but the guards die almost as fast as axemen to arrow volleys after unit xp and marshal upgrades).

I really feel that I could only be defeated by another horde of cavalry, preferably uber-armored at that. Enemy marshal knight squads do take a few volleys of arrows and I would imagine that feudal knights would be an even bigger pain; however, since I field a horde of these horsemen, even if I was charged by a few feudal knight squads, I could still be able to defeat them... though 9 vs 9 I would lose, but then the steppe cavalry can run away, since they are faster and the proper use of tactics trying to avoid frontal confrontation as much as possible would help there too, and technically the knights are a far more expensive unit. Still, they would be hurting after assaulting an upgraded horde of steppe cavalry.

The main problem might lie in the exp system... a horde of steppe cavalry is a little hard to use at first at their most basic level with 0 marshal and troop experience. Friendly fire leads to a terrible slaughter, but with upgrades, it feels cheesy, as they start shooting as if they are using repeating crossbows (at 3 stars, they seem to have a higher ROF or may be it's just me and yes, they are effective enough to go through several dozen battles in under two hours and not lose any of them.. gotta love time speed up at proper spots~). Marshall upgrades lead to no friendly fire, faster movement (as if they weren't the fastest unit in the game) and higher arrow capacity. This is the reason I was going to originally post this in the modding forum, but this isn't something hard to mod. I'm going to play with those values in my spare time, but the thing is, I'm compelled to edit unit statistics, but this is where my question is. They were that effective back in the day, so it'd be cheating making to make them weaker, hence a dilemma ^_^ Can't really do away with exp system either, since it makes some sense and the military aspect of the game would be a little drier without it... :rolleyes:

Anyway, it's great that the game captured the historical accuracy of how effective these types of units were, but it does kill balance much like it did in real life. I don't know how I feel about that. I prefer realism most of the time, but when I can stomp through Europe untamed, it doesn't feel as fun (playing on a modified more hard level doesn't help either... still too easy) as it would have otherwise.

Granted I could handicap myself by playing as some other nation, but that's no fun either, since I'm Russian and I always have wanted to use hordes of horse archers. I guess I got what I deserved :biggrin:

Anyway, what do you guys feel about this? And is it, once again, a stupid AI problem? If I was the AI I'd build a crapload more archers and line them up on walls to duel against my cavalry to at least make me suffer some losses, but all AI ever does when assaulted is move all of its units close the keep/away from any of my units that approach, which is a downright retarded tactic to use with their ranged units. The melee ones I can understand, since they can't reach my cavalry in any possible capacity, unless I'm inside the castle and they are swarming me and I am not paying attention, but why archers? Oi.

15-04-2005, 10:09
1. The fastest unit of the game is the dessert cavalry. They might be able to do away with the horsearchers when used correctly (wide spread formation, movement skill for marshall, etc.)
2. It is currently not possible to handicap big empires to a degree that they are not invincable when played by a human with an IQ over 5. With modding I can not possibly handicap the kingdoms to fewer than 5 armies (one knight, one king, up tp three princes). When the player restricts himself to one army (no royals on the battlefield. the AI usually does that too), loyalists will be a big problem and pretty much stop your conquering-attempts, especially with the mods Holy Rome of GoG.
3. I'd like to be able to remove the "no friendly fire"-feature of the archery-skill. I think it's too mighty.
4. I just see that the melee-capabilities of horsearchers are, in my opinion, way to high. A melee-CTK of 100 for mongolian cavalry makes them exceptional melee fighters. I think I will tweak that down.

Thank you for the feedback. :go:


15-04-2005, 15:44
Have people who complain that the AI is too easy tried playing the (patched) game as a smaller nation? I personally find the game quite difficult when playing as a one province nation, especially when they start off at war with one of the larger powers.

Neural Eclipse
15-04-2005, 17:55
I will try that, but I am compelled to play as my mother country ;) And it's always big, no matter what time period >_>

Angryminer, steppe cavalry have a melee CTK of 120, even higher than the mongols' 100, but their ranged CTK is 70 vs the mongolian 75. Both have the same running speed as the desert cavalry.

I managed to encounter a horde of mongols yesterday with my horde of steppe cavalry. 8x9 The Mongols got completely annihilated, because my guys were 3 stars each + I had the no friendly fire perk, which does need to go, as it's cheesy no matter how you look at it and without it, it actually becomes tricky sometimes to control a horde of horse archers. The exp bonus is acceptable, and the more arrows bonus is what I really like, as I keep running out during assaults and both of those are fair.

Also, note the cost of heavy archers, it's around 700, right? Mongols cost 600 and Steppe Cavalry 800. The mongols in a way deserve the low cost, because they were a true horde of horse archers, but the Steppe Cavalry is better than Boyars (1200), so I don't see why they should cost less, although I usually buy them at 1600 a piece as a province special feature... still, feudal knights would be 3600 a piece for me and I would buy them too, so the cost needs to go up for sure.

15-04-2005, 20:09
I find the biggest problem in range of ranged units. I consider making all units a little slower (from 70 of running footmen to 60 etc) but mainly making the range about 20 points lower.

I want to do it to disable archer only army to conquer a town with walls without crossing them.
If the speed of movement will stay as it is, archers will lose their advantage. They now have too high advantage.
Also I realized that units with shields but no armour have defense 0 what is ridiculous and it has to be changed. They should have at least some bonus against archers what will make them less invincible.

The problem with strength of archers on the horseback is that they really were undefeatable in the open battle if they were using not totally silly tactic. Even heavy cavalry had almost no chance(due to it's low speed)
But when they came to some kind of "closed" battle, they had problems with pike units. and heavy cavalry. I have nothing against their strong melee abilities(for Mongolians and Steppes, not for h.archers) because they really were strong

Neural Eclipse
15-04-2005, 21:36
I agree, Elvain, on all points, except, why slow units down?

And shields not providing any defense against arrows is preposterous. I've been playing around with that for a while and I think using bonus.ini for small, medium and large shield types with appropriate unit listings and giving [ARROW] some malus against them in ranged CTK would be the best thing to do, since axemen don't have any armor on anyway, so they shouldn't get a defense bonus in melee, if melee defense bonus is to be considered purely armor based. However, you could factor shields in too and fix things like normans having 0 armor, while roman infantry has 20. And men-at-arms look like they have a plate suit on, yet only have chainmail defense, what the hell? Same with Pronois vs Mameluks. Pronois are supposed to have lamellar armor on, while mameluks have chain mail listed as their requirement. Just makes no sense.

I think making archers support units would be the best idea. IE: among early armies, there's no need to have only axemen, because now they get uber defense from their shields and the bowmen can't touch them, but if the bowmen provided good support, but had to be moved outta the way to let their axemen charge the remainder of the enemy, it would work far better.

Or the shield-based malus to arrow CTK could allow to leave the range as is, except that the problem with "conquer castle without entering" would still persist.

Many options to try here.

02-05-2005, 15:56
angryminer desert cavalry is not the fastest unit....mongolian and steppe cavalry are as fast as desert cavalry

02-05-2005, 22:56
angryminer desert cavalry is not the fastest unit....mongolian and steppe cavalry are as fast as desert cavalry

Not unless 70=100 and 120=150.