View Full Version : Why Siege and not Assault?

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Da Bomb
12-05-2005, 01:59
This has made me really wonder. If you attack someone's main castle normally it will just assault them unless they have a wall and you will siege. What's the point at all to siege them when either one of you can instigate the assault whenever you want?

Sir Sigmund
12-05-2005, 02:36
Well I have to play more with it, just started playing it like two days ago. But a Siege the defenders should have more defense + while the attackers suffers penalites for attacking a castle. :wink:

Da Bomb
12-05-2005, 03:25
I'm saying when your not sieging but assaulting. Are you saying that then there is a defense bonus?

Even so, I still see no reason to siege and not assault.

12-05-2005, 03:54
If you siege, you are pitting your food vs their food. If you are running low on food, you should assault. That's what I think...

12-05-2005, 10:51
Imagin the following situation:
The province of Cornwall has a bulwark, corner towers, cauldrons, about 8 squads of longbowarchers but only 200 food storage. You want to conquer Cornwall.
What will you do? Send your poor peasants to the wall and get them slaughtered like the peasants they are or siege the town and wait patiently for the enemy to surrender, with nearly no losses on your own side?

When your army isn't good enough to assault the town, siege it. Often you can be successfull with this strategy.
Tipp: Use the sieging skill to endure longer sieges. Together with the "logistic" skill one army can endure extremely long sieges.
Also, when your sieging-army goes low on food, plunder an enemy farm and commence the siege. Or use two armies which take turns in sieging.


Gustavus Adolphus
12-05-2005, 14:47
Where do you find your armys food? I havn't played a siege yet on KoH, but I did stay up really late last night storming infidel castles. :go:

12-05-2005, 15:33
When an army is marching the food-storage is shown near that yellow cart with the corn in it in the lower middle of the screen.
During sieges it is not shown. But you'll notice a significant drop in the troop's morale (seldomly starving troops have a morale over 4).


12-05-2005, 16:28
Where else than own cities can ones army refill food cart wagons?

12-05-2005, 18:17
Plunder an enemy farm.


12-05-2005, 18:32
About plundering: I know that when you plunder a harbour you get some food as well and i see the AI do it every now and then buw im not able to cause i dont get the torch icon when putting my mouse over the harbour!

12-05-2005, 18:49
Select your army. Then select the "Attack" icon (a sword) from the lower right corner of the army-screen and click on the harbour.


Da Bomb
13-05-2005, 05:01
yes if you have less army but more food you should siege but if the enem realizes this they can switch to assault, so it still seems pointless when they will start attacking...

Sir Sigmund
14-05-2005, 02:34
Yea played it a few more times and paid attention when the sieges happen. Yes you can starve them out, and I think you take less casualities if you siege them.

But if you bring two armies, I generally just assualt the Town as I want to hurry up and make it mine. But in those cases casualites can be as high in some cases.

Angryminer thanks for posting a lot of helpful information on here. Keep up the great work. :wink:

14-05-2005, 03:25
I got a better question.. how come sometimes I don't have an option to siege, only to assault? I would rather prefer to siege and not lose any of my units than to assault and have half my army wiped out.

14-05-2005, 03:28
The town doesn't have a wall.

14-05-2005, 03:43
The town doesn't have a wall.

Oook... but why the hell can't I siege anyways? You know, like sitting on the outskirts blocking trade or something?

Sir Sigmund
14-05-2005, 03:59
Smirnov good question. Serious if a army surrounded my city without walls I would either sneak out under the cover of darkness or just charge out during the night killing what I could to break out.

I think that just something that the coders did not either think of, or just did not want to do the coding for that. Not the answer your looking for, but dont think their is a perfect one.

14-05-2005, 10:01
because there is nothing between your and enemy army so there is nothing to protect you (sieger) and the enemy (besieged) so both sides automaticaly fight.

I can imagine only one case when I wouldn't want to assault unprotected enemy: when my army is weaker than his. But why to attack army when having weaker army? and !! when a besieged army sees that it is stronger than attackers army, it breaks the siege immediately, so the siege would lead to the same case in few seconds anyway.
If you have stronger army, why to wait and exhaust your food supply? Taking over the town is very expensive (if fastened) and to leave army foodless is not good for it's morale

14-05-2005, 15:58
Sieging generally works like this: You start a siege against a walled city. The longer the siege continues, the lower the supply of foodstuffs in the castle go. If they lose all their food, they also lose their morale, and then the castle is yours. If their morale is higher than yours, then sometimes your men are forced to retreat, as they lose the battle. At any time the siege can be broken by either party, if you were winning and the castle was becoming weaker, then you'll notice both the morale AND the health of the units is low. So a town guard, for example, may only have 5 units left of his original number. Some units can be killed off altoghether, due to attrition. I'm not sure, but I think if you were losing the siege (morale-wise) and they break the siege, your army can suffer similar effects.

14-05-2005, 16:03
Both armies suffer attrition during a siege. The attrition of the sieging army is modified by specific structures in the castle. When the defending army has no food left their attrition significantly raises and they'll soon starve to death.
