View Full Version : Favorite Strategy Games Besides KoH

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29-05-2005, 14:06
I was just curious what other strategy games do fans of KoH play. Put together a list of top ten favorite strategy games. Here is mine:

Warcraft I-III
Disciples 2
Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdoms
Dune 2
Cultures 2
Rise of Nations
Chariots of War


Now let's see yours

29-05-2005, 14:30
Romance of The Three Kingdoms VIII
King of Dragon Pass
Crusader Kings
Alpha Centauri
Europa Universalis II
Emperor of The Fading Suns (patched)

The first three are particular favorites because they bring real personality, almost roleplaying depth, to the gameplay. KoH might make the list. While individual knights don't seem to have much flair, and vassal dynamics are very limited, the feel of the AI kings and how they react in the game is pretty good. There's more at work than just real politik, there's personality and inclination.

29-05-2005, 15:20
and lately, Warcraft II

29-05-2005, 19:38
Port Royale 2
Europa Universalis II

30-05-2005, 07:08
Rome: Total War
Shogun: Total War
Lords of the Realm II (III was a major let-down)
Civil War Generals II

(In that order)

30-05-2005, 08:17
Castles 2
Lords of the Realm 2
Conqueror 1086AD
Stronghold Crusader
Chariots of War (roman modified)
Spartan (roman modified)
Stronghold 2
Rome Total War (using SPQR Mod)

30-05-2005, 09:10
You have Castles 2? That's a cool game. I have it myself.

30-05-2005, 10:53
In no particuliar order:

1. Spartan / Gates of Troy
2. Master of Orion I - III
3. Celtic Kings: Punic Wars
4. Crusader Kings
5. Europa Universalis II
6. Emperor: Rise of the middle Kingdom
7. Star Trek: Birth of the federation
8. Port Royal
9. Age of Empires I - II (also Galactic Battlegrounds)
10. Lords of the realm III

And many more...

30-05-2005, 11:45
C&C Generals
Red Alert 2
Hearts of lron 2
Battle Bugs
Warcraft lll
Medieval Total War
Rise of Nations

First one is my favourite, and others are in no particuliar order

30-05-2005, 11:59
Europa Universalis II.


30-05-2005, 13:41
You have Castles 2? That's a cool game. I have it myself.

I have the floppy disk version of that game, bought on eBay. Oh, floppy disks, we hardly knew ye.

30-05-2005, 14:37
In order:

1) Imperialism (1 and 2) - I'm a certified (and certifiable) Imp freak. I love them both, but Imp2 is the one that does it for me best. I run the Daily Imperialist (http://www.strategyplanet.com/dailyimperialist) site and also the Imp Group at http://www.smartgroups.com/groups/imperialists

2) Emperor RotMK - I love all the Impressions city builders; of them all, Emperor is the one I load up first, mainly because the diplomacy is the most advanced of the four titles. To me, it feels like the culmination of the four titles that Impressions did.

3) Pharaoh / Cleopatra / Zeus - see above. All good, never to be uninstalled. I especially like the surreal humour in Zeus.

4) Port Royale 2 - I'm fairly new to this one, and haven't finished a game yet, but it's very good.

KoH fits into this list just behind Imp, and is closing fast on the top spot. I haven't had such a good feeling for a game since a few days after I first installed Imp2.

and finally, for when building empires just isn't enough:

5) Blood 2, with the Nightmare Levels. :eek:

30-05-2005, 15:39
I can't possibly do mine in order. Here's every "good" strategy game I've purchased:

Birthright: The Gorgon's Alliance
Emperor of the Fading Suns
Rise of Nations (+ the expansion which I have misplaced)
Europa Universalis II
Conquest: Frontier Wars
Conquest of the New World
Master of Orion II
Star Control 3
Knights of Honor

+ a whole bunch of other games that aren't as good as these which I've mentioned.
(I've got Imperialism from Underdogs, so I never bought it)

30-05-2005, 22:21
Civilisation II+III
Victoria: an empire under the sun
Europa Universalis II
Star Wars: Gallactic Battlesgrounds
Rome + Medievil Total War
Command & Conquer
C&C Red Alert

30-05-2005, 23:29
My favourite strategy games:

Lords of the Realm II
Star Wars: Rebellion
Master of Orion II
Age of Wonders
Master of Magic
Dune (Original)
Alpha Centauri
Star Control

REALLY old but great for their time:
Romance or the Two Kingdoms (Original)

As you can see I haven't bought any lately so I am very eager to play KoH :biggrin:

Iuvenis Scriptor
31-05-2005, 17:53
I'm a big fan of real-time strategy civilization simulators/empire-building games. The more epic, the better.

Age of Empires II: The Conquerors
Civilization III: Play the World
Empire Earth: The Art of Conquest
Knights of Honor

I can't wait for the release of Empire Earth II!

Games I used to play but haven't played in a long time are:

Caesar II
Caesar III
Civilization II
Call to Power II
Lords of the Realm II

I think it would be great if they made an Italian Renaissance version of the Caesar series and named it "Medici"!

I just got KoH a few days ago, so I'm still learning the ropes. But I have to say this is one of the best medieval strategy games I've ever played. It reflects feudalism and other aspects of medieval society and warfare much better than Age of Empires II, making it more realistic and epic.

As of now, I am running a German empire that comprises all of modern Germany, Denmark, France, Switzerland, Austria, and Italy. Not bad for a beginner, heh? I'm getting ready to make my move on Iberia.

01-06-2005, 10:59
Excellent thread and idea… and you guys reminded me of a lot of the games I used to play fanatically but have since forgotten. Here is my list in order of time devoted to it and enjoyment gained:

1. Sid Meier's Colonisation (remember this? I used to love this game - and modded for it)
2. Call to Power I & II (Ran the first Macintosh site, beta tested for it, still play it even now)
3. Europa Universalis I & II (Early player, loved I, modded extensively for II, though have since lost interest in everything but EU1)
4. Starcraft / Broodwar (Played extensively, and even 'clanned' in this game for a while)
5. Master of Orion I (Never played II - played I quite a bit though)
6. Alpha Centauri (played quite a bit - used to run a PBEM game for a few months too)
7. Warcraft II & III (play MP quite often, or used to, with my son and online)
8. Age of Empires II (Played a lot at work during lunchtimes!)
9. Age of Mythology (Played recently, was fun, but don’t play much nowadays)
10. Conquest of the New World (Was looking for a Colonisation successor - didn’t find it with this - but liked it for a while)

Knights of Honour isn't on this list yet because I havent got the full game yet but when I do I am pretty certain it will annihilate all of these easily. I can easily see months and months of time spent enjoying this game

01-06-2005, 18:25
I usualy try any game with a historical genre and by far my favorites are: EU1 and EU2.
Enjoyed playing the Total war series, but found them too shallow in diplomatic and economic stratagy (very good in 3d battles). Now and then I still play:
Sim City
Imperialism 2

I still havent got KOH, only played the demo, amd I must say it looks and feels like a very balanced game

05-06-2005, 01:44
Celtic Kings is a good game but I find that the player AI is crap especially with units like elephants. They just stand there and take on the damage untill they are half dead. I have a question for It1956. Where did you get Conqueror 1086AD? Ive been looking for it for some time but i can't find it anywhere.

05-06-2005, 05:56
Lords of Realm 2
Caesar 2- yes i still have my 1992 pc to play it on
conquest of the new world
Command and conquer/red alert/ra 2
aerobiz / aerobiz supersonic
actually pretty much any old game from koei now that i think about it- romance, ghengis khan, uncharted waters, bandit kings of ancient china, etc.
warcraft 1,2,3
high seas trader

theres more but thats all i cna think of off my head