View Full Version : what do you like to do with your caught spies ?

the knightly sword
19-06-2005, 14:55
it seems a little funny to know what people does with there caught spies so i made this thread, and please tell uss what you like to do with them

19-06-2005, 15:51
depends on situation:
if the enemy king is grateful, I prefere to free the prisoner and offer them peace with some nice profit for me(vassalage+gold or gold+land)

if the enemy is not grateful, I wait for ransom

if I don't know where didd the spy come from, I free him to see who is using espionage against me

but I don't do things imediately.. if I do something imediately, it is freing or asking for ransom, oother I consider longer...

19-06-2005, 16:49
With Angryminers GoG 1.6 I torture them until they die or talk, because I like negative KP and big income :evil: And then I wait for the enemy to offer a ransom. But if I see in the rumors that he's a 5 star spy, I execute him.

19-06-2005, 17:45
There's typically some "problem nation" that is almost totally neutral towards everyone, is moderately big, and always sends their spies to my kingdom. I execute them immediately - it reduces the competition for my high-star spies.

Billy Fish
19-06-2005, 20:59
I had them imprisoned on the Isle of Wight but members of Parliament said that was inhumane and objected to the use of Iron Maidens, the rack and hot pokers. :bash:

19-06-2005, 21:09
I always kill the spy no matter were he is from. (There are a few rare exceptions) I don't torture the spy anymore b/c of drop in kp. I just let the prisioner stay in his cell unitll his nation asks for ransom (that way I know were he is from without torturing him), then I kill him. I never ever take ransoms.

Lord Boreal
20-06-2005, 12:25
Normally I execute, but in some cases I accept ransom, e.g. when my ally was spying on me.
I especially execute if I have had the knight for a long time then discover his treachery, e.g. my 3 star spy was in fact a spy from Byzantia. :sad:

I got some mad when that happened as can be imagined. So I just used the DoW option and destroyed the last bastion of the old Roman world. :hello:

Da Bomb
21-06-2005, 02:27
How can you tell that the spy you have captured is a 5-star spy. Are you saying you get merchant/spy info to see rumours in the other court who sent the spy that they have experienced spies at their disposal?

21-06-2005, 04:53
It very much depends of my current state in the game. If I am in war with several kingdoms ( which generally happens) I execute the prisoner in a blink because I like to keep the war going till I decide diplomatly that the war must be ended. Besides, a prisoner takes a full slot that I could use with anothern knight so. I donīt know if a freed `prisoner increases positelvy my relation with the spy's kingdom but I really don't care. I usually execute them.I always ask for ransom tho.

21-06-2005, 14:24
How can you tell that the spy you have captured is a 5-star spy. Are you saying you get merchant/spy info to see rumours in the other court who sent the spy that they have experienced spies at their disposal?
You can see in the rumors if that kingdom has an expirienced spy even if you don't have a spy/merchant(but i'm not 100% sure) And you can also see if their spy has infiltrated another kingdom

21-06-2005, 14:52
If im in a war and wants to avoid more conflicts I demand ransom, if not that works I realease him.
If im in no war I kill him or torture to find out where he is from, and if he is from a country I dont like with not so many alliances I kill him....

21-06-2005, 16:11
Very early in the game I usually hold out for ransom if my economy is still building up. Later though I just usually end up killing them.