View Full Version : Why no Real Multiplayer?

20-07-2005, 09:33

This game is one of the most immersive game experiences I have ever played but its missing such a key feature. As far as I can see there is no mutliplayer for coop or teamplay vs. computers. Why is this? Would this be a feature add on to the game?

20-07-2005, 09:39
There is a multiplayer but its not very good.I think there was some sort of patch to add to the game sso that you can play on lan or internet any way possible.But the game is impressive enough in singleplayer and it takes a lot of time to win it.But when you play with friends the game ends very quick.Its fun but short.In the single player you have to wait for the bulidings to get done,population and all sorts of stuff to happen but when its done the BIG fun begins.

20-07-2005, 09:39
Because it's very hard to have a game of that scope AND in real-time working in MP. They prefered to focus on a good SP.

There are some games who did it though: Imperium Galactica 2 or Lords of the realm 3

20-07-2005, 09:47
I understand what you are saying but its just such a shame that its not a feature. I think it would have been great to have been able to take that great single player and apply it in multiplayer and still keep the difficulty. Imperium galactica II was a great game as well. You know of any other games out today that features KOH gameplay but with a multiplayer aspect as I talked about?

20-07-2005, 09:52
Well you can allways try Empire Earth 2.It's great in singleplayer and in multiplayer.Knights Of Honor is a fantastic game in all aspects but thats in singleplayer but I don't realy think that in multiplayer the same difficulty would be in good use.I mean that if you develop the same way as in singleplayer in multiplayer it would takme way too much time to play.If you are playing with Highlands and your friends is playing with Mameluks you gotta travel faaar and wide to get to each other and slaughter each other.

20-07-2005, 11:05
I am not much of a MP player but i believe that the games by Paradox (Crusader Kings, Hearts of Iron 2....) have MP and a large crowd of players. Battles are simple (like the ones in KoH where you don't take the lead). So you should check their forums.

Spartan by Slitherine also offers MP but only for 2 people (try the demo).

20-07-2005, 11:17
Have you played Knights of the temple:Infernal crusrade?

20-07-2005, 11:20
A typical single player game might last for over 20+ hours of continuous play.

So a multiplayer game.... even without Pauses, will take how long to play?

If you allow Pauses during multiplayer games... then it will take what? 5 months to complete one game? LOL :silly:

20-07-2005, 13:07
My point exacly.KOH takes a lot of time to play.Personaly it took me 2,5months to win because I was exploring the possibilyties of the game.(It took me so long also because I was in school).For me the Multiplayer of KOH(I never played it before)should be like the multiplayer of TW.Only two armies,open field and the slaughter begins.Or one castle one deffending army one attacking army.

21-07-2005, 02:36

Thanks for the game suggestions I will check out the games you listed. As for the time of the game, I mean I would love a long multiplayer game like that, if you can save and stuff. The fact of like having a partner , a friend and fighting with the level of difficulty this game provides would be great, at least for me. :) But thanks, I'll check out some of those games listed.

Anyone know if they would make a 2nd version of this game with coop multiplayer? :)

23-07-2005, 08:54
Anityme man.