View Full Version : Cavalry Availability, et al.

08-08-2005, 22:01
Inspired by one of the features of Diablo's mod...

Thoughts, comments, rude gestures...?

08-08-2005, 22:40
I find Cathedrals the hardest to build due to the three objects needed in the Province. I think cities with historical Cathedrals/Mosques should be given the objects more times than not.

08-08-2005, 23:37
the problem is that mosque was in every muslim city and cathedrals were in most of big cities. And on the map only the most important cities are represented so there should be cathedral in every city on the map.

F.i. in France or Italy there was even more cathedrals (in medieval reality) than towns(on KoH map)

conquestare legionare
08-08-2005, 23:49
nothing is widespread , the ai is too stupid to build required buildings for elite infarty. they build randomly.

09-08-2005, 00:30
nothing is widespread , the ai is too stupid to build required buildings for elite infarty. they build randomly.

Yes, this is the problem. The AI builds things randomly. That is why it is difficult for the AI to create cavalry units.... because many cavalry units require many buildings (e.g. armory, stable, spearman, scale armoury, etc.)

Also the AI is too dumb to build complex buildings such as cathedrals and universities. Even when the AI has Rome and Constantinople fortress cities.... the AI is still not capable of building a Cathedral or even a simple Library (which is very simple to create, it only requires Pasture, Sheep Farm, and Parchment Maker)

09-08-2005, 04:44
I think its fine because once i ran into an ALL CAVARLY UNIT! from venice when playing as byzatina scared me too hell! Merchants guild and Catherdals are very hard to build yes and Guilds really do nothing much and cost 10k catherdals are more useful and i have gotten some in my time as for the AI it does build cav units but the cost and resources are alot and 300 gold for a swordsmen is much better then 800 for some horses and horses can get killed by the swordsmen easily :nono: .

09-08-2005, 05:30
I once ran into an AI English army that had a big army of Boyar cavalry.....

and then I realized that the AI England just bought the Boyars from a Mercenary camp that was nearby. :p

09-08-2005, 16:12
I find Cathedrals the hardest to build due to the three objects needed in the Province. I think cities with historical Cathedrals/Mosques should be given the objects more times than not.
They are "difficult" to build in this fashion, that there are only a few provinces who can have them.
I always build Cathedrals, Merchant Guilds and Universities where they're possible..these are the coolest buildings ^.^

The Cavalry imo could be used a bit more by the AI. But not too much, that would make them only weaker (at least when vs. me). Halberdiers are such cool units hehe.

10-08-2005, 03:22
I've seen the AI build merchant guilds, coast guards, libraries, and I even saw them built a cathedral once. So the AI is fully compaitible to build the great buildings. These special buildings are widespread enough in my opioion. My only problem is that in order to build cathedral, it takes nearly every building slot. Since the building slots are taken up for the cathedral it leaves the town very defenceless. And if the prov. is of the broder of your kingdom it is likely to fall into enemy hands.

02-09-2005, 20:49
Are you able to demolish buildings in the town?

02-09-2005, 20:57
Yes, with arrows. Archers will shoot flaming arrows on buildings and thus light them up. Once they are set on fire you can watch the burning. :wink:


02-09-2005, 21:02
I mean't demolish your own buildings, to make room for others... info you gave was cool, though.

02-09-2005, 21:07
Yes you can demolish your own buildings.
Select the town, open the buildings-tab, float your mouse over the building you want to remove and click on the small red circle in the lower right corner of the building-icon.


02-09-2005, 21:12
Thanks... you sure do give quick answers!