View Full Version : only peasants and archers needed!!

10-08-2005, 19:02
Seriously, nevermind the swordsmen, all ya need are 3 squads peasants and the rest archers. (if your marshal has archery bonus it helps muchly)
The game needs serious balancing!! Even if I charge peasants with cavalry the pesants still win!!
I dunno, i played the demo and wanted more, now that I own it i'm angry!!

10-08-2005, 19:40
Hmm, I've destroyed many predominantly archer armies with just men-at-arms in loose formation.

10-08-2005, 19:52
Seriously, nevermind the swordsmen, all ya need are 3 squads peasants and the rest archers. (if your marshal has archery bonus it helps muchly)
The game needs serious balancing!! Even if I charge peasants with cavalry the pesants still win!!
I dunno, i played the demo and wanted more, now that I own it i'm angry!!

Try multiplayer or playing longer and finding an AI army of cavalry...your peasants and archers won't last long. :go:

Also, morale has a large effect on battles in KoH (it's not a stupid game of rock-paper-scissors or a static set of numbers). Try increasing the density of the formation for melee and try flanking. Really, though that shouldn't be necessary. 5-9 squads of any kind of cavalry should be able to brute force any amount of peasants, no brains or tactics required, other than dense formations.

10-08-2005, 20:08
Seriously, nevermind the swordsmen, all ya need are 3 squads peasants and the rest archers. (if your marshal has archery bonus it helps muchly)
The game needs serious balancing!! Even if I charge peasants with cavalry the pesants still win!!
I dunno, i played the demo and wanted more, now that I own it i'm angry!!

Then you dont know to play the game!!!Any archers can be destroyed with any cavlary in loose formation as wolfgrin described and i saw 2 men from marshals cavlary made 3 groups of pesants retreat

10-08-2005, 20:17
Well it isn't realy like this now isn't it.Light cavaraly can be easily defeated by anthing!Peasants are much,cavaraly isn't get it?+archers=oh my goodness

10-08-2005, 23:16
you're right, I don't know how to play the game! the manual is useless!!
but really, thanks for the advice; I'll try the flanking charge (RTS has never been my favorite) :bash:

11-08-2005, 07:53
i use this tactic you can try it if you want
1.the marshal has 1cavaraly,4 archer,and the rest are swordsmen or other foot troops grroups.
2.the footmen are deployed in a line and the archers go infront of them.
3.the enemy draws closer-archers shoot.
4.when they draw too closer you pull back the archers behind the footmen.
5.begins the battle-archers may or may not shoot-your desion i usually get them int to tha figth.
6.the marshal+cavaraly come and you kill them all
this tactic can't fail.

11-08-2005, 11:44
Lol sorry guy i was confused!?I changed Light Cavlary with Pronoias so i thought Light Cavlary can win. :bash:

11-08-2005, 17:08
Well, it's difficult to understand, which units you're all mean. I have a licensed disks, but it's all about russian. Well, it sometimes clear, but "Pronoias" who's that? My "tactic" is not a tactic at all, I simply standing and waiting the enemy when he came. Also using this time for made some formation with my units. First of all, moving shooting units abit forward(usually I take only one unit of archers). When enemy close to them, I make'em retreat behind "main power" units, and by the way - order to shoot no longer. Otherwise they can harm my fighting units. If army has a cavalry(whatever), and enemy make a mistake by closing his general up to my army, I rush my general and other horseback units to attack enemy's general. That's not a tactic, it's a kindda boring!