View Full Version : Newbie Silly Problem

General Juin
12-08-2005, 14:11
Got the game yesterday. First minor but troublesome problem.

Moved my Marshal into a town to recruit. Recruited. Now I can't select him for movement no matter what I try. I get his army at the bottom of the screen, but can'tr give movement orders.

Am I doomed to use only mercenaries ???

12-08-2005, 14:24
Welcome to the forum, General Juin :halloha:
All you need to do is click on your marshal portrait in the royal court or in the town interface, and right click on an open field, and your marshal will leave the town and march in that direction.

General Juin
12-08-2005, 15:38
Allright !!!

12-08-2005, 16:24
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

12-08-2005, 16:26
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Indeed .

15-08-2005, 19:44
Kind of embarrased to say, but that happened to me too, when i first got the game.

I moved my marshal into town, got an army together...then literally sat there for a long time trying to get him OUT of the town!! hehehe

In all the infinate combos of keys and clicks, i think i just HAPPEN to click on his portrait and right-click outside the town. I was laughting at the simplicity of the solution, but i was getting pretty frustrated there for a while!