View Full Version : Picking a Fight?

15-08-2005, 19:10
Does anyone know if there is a way to 'pick a fight' with someone?

I guess i'm a bit of a warmonger...but i want to be a NICE war monger. heheh

Anyone have a way to get a specific country to declare war on YOU?

15-08-2005, 19:16
Going to war with an ally of the country you're trying to provoke is a good way of getting them to declare war on you.

15-08-2005, 21:32
Ah...Ok. Could try that.

But no way to "talk" your way into a fight?

I've tried 'Demanding' all sorts of things from countries, in hopes to tick them off enough that they will declare war...but no such luck.

Just wondering if there was something "Diplomatic" you could do to get into it.

15-08-2005, 21:46
Try selecting and cancelling trade agreements with them over and over again. This should drop your relations. Doesn't mean they'll declare war, but then again, they might.

15-08-2005, 21:55
March an army through the territory of someone you are at "feud" with. That will get them mad at you :dwink: .


15-08-2005, 22:12
*Sees a strategy forming*

Ahh...now that could work. Maybe i can instruct to troops to throw rocks at their livestock too.

Thanks all for the suggestions! Can't wait to try them out.

16-08-2005, 19:23
If your relations are in the green ask them for money as often as you can. That should drop your relations gradually down to neutral unless you do nice things for them like marching on their enemies.