View Full Version : [Suggestion] Uservote on InGame-Features

04-02-2004, 19:30

I want to make a suggestion to the devs:
If your testers are unsure if a feature is good/bad/boring, you should make something like a "Feature Review".
That means one of your team (or Nadine, if she has access to your dev-build of KoH) fixes together some screenshots and some statements of the testers in a thread. Then the users give there comment or discuss it themselves (perhaps in the irc-channel? :D ) to give the dev-team more oppinions so they can decide to include it or leave it out.
I don't want a poll like "I like that"/"I don't like that" but a discussion on the pros/cons.

What do you think of that?


[ I really appretiate the devs involving the community so much into the dev-process, but as I already said: "Will we ever be satisfied?" ]

Due to a lack of time the user Angryminer posted this message without rereading it carefully to remove errors in spelling, grammar and sense.

04-02-2004, 19:52
Like you had any sense to start with. :p

04-02-2004, 19:59
I'm with ya Angryminer on this one :go: - it would be so cool if we - the community - was able/allowed to help with solving design issues - i would really like to help by participating in such a discussion.

Frank Fay
04-02-2004, 20:26
I am afraid but that won't be possible, because we need to have short ways and you need to play the game to give valuable feedback. Also there is some confidentiality / secrets involved -> which is in fact a very major aspect.

I am not saying that maybe in the future we are uncertain about something, wo would not ask you. In fact, this will be the first place where we would ask around.

However, we are pleased that you are so desperate to be involved and if there is any way for a poll / questions, we will ask you.

04-02-2004, 22:30
I already stated that a poll isn't the right way, because we all never played KoH.
But if you're in doubt you can give us a base-knowledge to make us discuss about that topic. After a while someone might come up with an idea you didn't have. Snap!

We wouldn't decide, we'd just discuss, exchange arguments and ideas. You'd read our discussion and hopefully it will help you to make the right decition.

Sorry it wasn't clear in the first post, thought so...


04-02-2004, 23:32
Hi Angryminer

I'm still behind you :) - though i also have to agree with Frank that it is very hard to make a decission without having seen the nor tried the game :)

05-02-2004, 03:18
Originally posted by Henrik
Hi Angryminer

I'm still behind you :) - though i also have to agree with Frank that it is very hard to make a decission without having seen the nor tried the game :)

i agree, but its always difficult for gameproducing copmanies to sedisfy the customers with infos and hide infos to the other copmanies. and to show infos too fast could be a big disadvantage on the market.

an old story is about strike commander (from chris roberts publishd by origin) chris roberts was so proud about this aircombat simulation (engine and gameplay was real inovative for that time) that he showed infos so early that other companys had enough time so copy the ideas.

another point is maybe that there are ilegal beatversions out from games (half life 2, stalker,...) and sunflowers dont wanna risk that someone is publishing secrets.

05-02-2004, 23:00
Yeahh, there are obviously some spying going on in this industry - i have read in another forum that the devs has been "inspired" ( they used another word ;) ) by a certain game..... i'd be damn is i remember what it is called ;) :D

But as i have stated in another thread, it is perfectly allright to borrow ( be inspired ! ) from other games as long as your own game gets better by doing so - it's called game evolution !

06-02-2004, 00:42
Originally posted by Henrik
Yeahh, there are obviously some spying going on in this industry - i have read in another forum that the devs has been "inspired" ( they used another word ;) ) by a certain game..... i'd be damn is i remember what it is called ;) :D

But as i have stated in another thread, it is perfectly allright to borrow ( be inspired ! ) from other games as long as your own game gets better by doing so - it's called game evolution !

yes. but to ask them if they can show us pics or demos is a good oportunity for others to spy. and you can bet that they play games from other copmanies and not only play thew anno game ause they are from sunflowers ;)