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18-09-2005, 09:35

I think Knights of honor lacks some more units. If only 10 more could be implented , the game would be much more varied.

I had some ideas, based on historical units:

- Yeomen, these English free peasants fought with high moral for their masters.
They could be somewhat stronger in the game than normal peasants.

- skirmishers: they throw rocks, javelins, arrows to the enemy from very close before the battle actually begins. ( low health, but very fast )

- gunpowder units: a dozen of possible units : bombard cannons, bombard ships, .... a unit with a very powerful rifle but without much accuracy.
( only during late age )
- elephant units: region: north africa
; armed with 4 archers on the back of the animal.

- viking longboat, when a marshall from scandinavia sets sail he has a small combat and speed bonus.

I think this isn't a job that can't be done by black isle studios and I think it would mean a thank you to all the fans.

I hope you read this, thanks

18-09-2005, 15:52
Yeomen peasants? hmm would these guys be only in England then? wouldn't this create an unbalance during the early game?
Gunpower is a no no! Is a game based on mid ages, knights and the such, gunpower brought all these to an end. It began an age where no "Knights of honor" were needed.
Elephant units is a no also, during this time muslims(controlled all north africa/mid east) didn't use elephants in war, they used camels an they are included in the game. Elephants are more of a India thing.
About the skirmishers it could pretty much be any unit. For example during the battle of hastings the saxons troops throwed rocks, axes and anything they could find to the charging normans, so it would be a waste to make only one unit with this as all units in real life can do the same.
The viking longboat could be a nice idea for early age/mid age of the game but no in late as vikins had long been gone.

18-09-2005, 20:12
about the skirmishers, like in age of empires , a band of slingers, throwing rocks, causing few casualties but a serieus blow to the moral.

01-10-2005, 01:17
It might copy AOE but having Paladins would be cool

01-10-2005, 04:39
Paladins oO Now that's becoming a fantacy game...

02-10-2005, 10:34
what I meant was a new tactic: add skirmisher units like slingers, javelin throwers, etc.

before the real battle begins, both side's skirimishers could start the skirmish and try to cause some casualties ( not many ), but a drop in the moral.

02-10-2005, 11:31
About the skirmishers:
The peasants could be redesigned to carry all kinds of weapons. Forks, axes, short spears, and whatever a medieval peasant could effort. They could also get a ranged attack that's exactly this "throw everything you can find at the enemy".
That would propably do the trick.


02-10-2005, 20:08
indeed, but that needs a complete remodelling of the unit.

I was thinking about a slingerband= throw rocks from close, not much damage but drop of moral
spear throwers = spearman have 3 javelins , 2 for throwing and 1 for melee. Because now spearman arent very much used

03-10-2005, 05:19
Paladins really were in the middle ages, only they were mostly another word for a frankish knight, like from the Song of Roland, in Charlemagne's times, and later. Not at all really like the "holy knights" of fantasy games, and I think feudal knights pretty much cover the paladins in the game.

03-10-2005, 07:11
Am I a Paladin then? :-p

03-10-2005, 09:07
You could change you name to Frankish Paladin :biggrin:

07-10-2005, 11:11
paladins are already included in the form of feudal cavalry, knights, etc.

21-10-2005, 22:33
I read that Paladins were the kings men so the knights that protect your marshal could be considered paladins

22-10-2005, 10:18
I think this game has enough cavalry units in total. I was thinking about Flemish infantry: They had a small, thick spear which they pulled in the ground against cavalry and so they created a defense line. If enemies got through they faced their maces.

24-10-2005, 19:59
what I meant was a new tactic: add skirmisher units like slingers, javelin throwers, etc.

before the real battle begins, both side's skirimishers could start the skirmish and try to cause some casualties ( not many ), but a drop in the moral.

I tend to do this with my archer units...try to inflict as much damage and moral drop as i can before engaging in hand-to-hand units (Longbowmen are awesome for this).

But i know what you're getting at.

24-10-2005, 22:10
I know too, but the problem is that it can be any unit. Have you seen the movie Alexander?
In the battle vs the Persians right before the persians get to hand to hand combat with the greeks, some men from the greek infantry come out and throw rocks, axes, spears to the charging persians then go behine the infantry line. See what I mean? Any type of unit can do the same, swordmen, spearmen, even cavarly. So it would be unrealistic to make one special untit just for that, when all units realisticly can do it.

26-10-2005, 20:25
Indeed, but making such a unit isnt difficult. Of couse in needs some balancing, but some countries had a skirmish tradition, like horse riding people from russia etc.

26-10-2005, 20:44
I think what you're wanting is maybe another level of combat? Like a "Pre-Combat" screen that you can option to take, if say you had "created" some kind of skirmish units (i see them acting in the same manner as siege weapons do...they are for a specific method of combat).

Right? So more of a change/enhancement to the game combat itself?

27-10-2005, 17:15
might be, but I think this might be able on the normal view. when your heay units move to the enemy, you can keep the enemies front lines busy with skrimishing

27-10-2005, 19:34
Hmmm....you know, that would be kind of neat when you put it like that.

Say your enemy has lots of melee units coming from different angles...you could use your little skirmish units to delay and weaken troops from one side, while you try to wipe out the troops coming from the other side.

I know this can be done with the normal units now, but i think these 'skirmishers' would be able to harass enemy units without fear of losing a good 'normal' fighting unit.

Interesting. :O)