View Full Version : Marshall going to another province

King Karl
09-04-2006, 15:47
When your marshall goes to a province that isin't yours does relationship with that country go down? When you are allies can your marshall go on your allies land without relationship loss?

09-04-2006, 16:53
1. Yes, after a while other kings will be upset.
2. No, even allies get upset, if I remember correctly.


09-04-2006, 17:03
I think that when you have NA pact, you shuold not suffer relations penalty when marching through those lands.
Imagine, your ally invokes aliance so you have to help him defending his lands and when you enter their territory, you'd lose relations?

anyway, when you enter allied territory, you'll have pop-ups that their enemies are pleased you march through their lands :biggrin: so you will get relations points from that actions.
Also imagine this. England and Flandres are allied, you are France and invade Flandres, so england gets upset and you lose relation points with england...

09-04-2006, 17:44
Oh .. very interesting, I didn't know that.

I always thought the pop ups from other kingdoms were niceties.

That explain why my relationship with Hungary improved without me giving them gold, and why my relationship with my vassal deteriorated even though neither of our kings had died. I thought it was from attacking their enemies/friends, not from crossing their land.

Could you use this tactic to get another kingdom to declare war on you? For example, you don't want to break your agreements with another country. Can you camp out a marshal(s) in their land, and eventually get them to declare war?

09-04-2006, 18:52
you can try....

in my current game I kept crossing Navara to get to Castilia (I was France) and the relation turned from uneasy to hostile or very troubeled...

I think that better is to cross their borders instead of camping there...
but this won't work when you have NA pact. NA pact means you probably don't mean to attack them so the relation won't drop.

09-04-2006, 19:02
Does the game really take NA-pacts or alliances into account when calculating wether the relations drop due to long stay of armies? I don't think so. It should, but I don't think it does.


King Karl
09-04-2006, 19:51
We need a patch that would fix that. You go help your ally and your relationship points drop:nono:

09-04-2006, 21:40
I am sure that when you enter allied territory, the relation don't change. and I am not very sure but I also think that it is the same with the NA pact (I watched it once and was surprised that the relation doesn't drop...

but maybe it is some accidental "unconscious" change in my mod?

09-04-2006, 22:55
Alliance = Not change

NAP = a little bit , but this need time( test running with timer 8X)

No alliance or NAP = sure