View Full Version : Relationship vs Respect vs Hate

11-08-2006, 14:09
Anyone know how these three things (relationship, respect, and hate) are related to one another?

In the Rumours of several of my vassals I've read comments about them hating us so much that they plan on breaking our Trade Agreement. Our relationship is very strong at the same time (Harmonious or United). How can this be?

I'm currently the most Respected and the most or second most Hated. How can I reduce the hate, or is it directly related to my size? If I can bribe all the kingdoms into "green" relationships, why doesn't the hate get reduced as well?

Can anyone shed some light on this?

11-08-2006, 17:10
Others will likely disagree, but it's been my experience that reputation is completely capricious in how it works. From the things you point out, to elections, when I have a brilliant relationship with a country, their "feelings" towards me all hugely positive, and yet they abstain from voting for me.
I've given up so many games because of seemingly meaningless relationship guages, due to the game being at a dead end.

11-08-2006, 19:31
The elections to the european emperor have different rules. While good relations is one positive argument you need some more to make someone elect you. (Hint: Marriages, alliances, larger military, more provinces, money, religion, etc.)

But I also don't know how "hate" works. But the "They are going to break the trade agreement"-bit is purely based on the amount of money traded. But the AI won't ever actually break the agreement. They sometimes tell you to either start trading or eat the agreement, but the AI doesn't seem to be capable of actually breaking the agreement.


11-08-2006, 21:29
I've had several of my vassals declare independence/break Trade Agreements with me (Novgorod, Teutonic Order, and Hungary when playing as Epir) eventhough our relationship was very strong.

I think it might have been because they were isolated or practically surrounded by me.

I don't think it would be due to low trading income, since my income is usually quite high, so their income from trading with me would also be quite high.

I don't quite understand it other than that. My vassals that have "open" frontiers never declare independence from me.

12-08-2006, 05:48
the AI doesn't seem to be capable of actually breaking the agreement.


I have had the AI break trade agreements with me on more than one occasion. I get the message from them that the trade has been less than suitable and they are breaking their trade agreement with me. Now once when that happened, I had about three AI's in a row over a period of 30 minutes break their agreement with me, then my spy discovered one of my merchants was a spy. Apparently the spy was influencing the breaks!

12-08-2006, 16:47
Very interesting Dobber,

Something like that has happened to me as well, but I usually don't have any Merchants on my side, unless it's my King/Despot in his venerable years (so I doubt he's the spy).

Therefore, my vassal's merchant must be a spy from another kingdom.

13-08-2006, 20:28
I have always thought that respect was the total of positive relation with kingdoms and hate the total of negative relation with kingdoms, but it might very well be wrong..