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18-08-2006, 03:08
Does anyone ever get "ghost" rebels?

Perhaps there's a better term for it ... let me explain what I see.

I get a Rebel crossing into one of my provinces from a neighbouring kingdom and a pop up message appears warning me of the invasion.

A few seconds later, another rebel crosses into the same province with pretty much the same trajectory. When I look at the map, I don't see a second rebel army. In the mini-map, I see 2 white squares .. one following the other. When I look back at the map, I see a little man walking across the country-side. I can't select him though.

When I destroy the first rebel army, the second "ghost" rebel also disappears.

Anyone else ever see this? Do you have an explanation for it?

18-08-2006, 07:33
Bug? :rolleyes:

18-08-2006, 07:34
There's a ghost roaming in Europe... :wink:
Yes, I've noticed something similar too. Yesterday, f.e. i was fighting somewhere in Africa, conquered a province of the Fatimids and, of course, new rebels appeared. On the political map I saw three white dots, but in the strategic view - only two rebel armies. I destroyed one and the other was far away to the south. But there was still one white dot for the southern rebels and one near the city, but near this city there were only palm-trees and wasteland. When I destroyed the southern one too, the ghost was finally "released". I hope this doesn't affect the province happiness though...

18-08-2006, 07:42
Does anyone ever get "ghost" rebels?

Perhaps there's a better term for it ... let me explain what I see.

I get a Rebel crossing into one of my provinces from a neighbouring kingdom and a pop up message appears warning me of the invasion.

A few seconds later, another rebel crosses into the same province with pretty much the same trajectory. When I look at the map, I don't see a second rebel army. In the mini-map, I see 2 white squares .. one following the other. When I look back at the map, I see a little man walking across the country-side. I can't select him though.

When I destroy the first rebel army, the second "ghost" rebel also disappears.

Anyone else ever see this? Do you have an explanation for it?

I have seen this on more than one occasion, what you are seeing, is someone going to join the rebellion. I have also seen this happen and it be a horseman riding along, I have actually seen them join the rebellion army. Watch a little closer next time or give the rebels opportunity to actually start to plunder and you will see the "ghost rebel"(unsatisfied countryman) join the band of rebels.

18-08-2006, 08:24
Ghost rebels give it not. The second white square is only one unit (sometimes a farmer with his fork) he following the first white square to join the pulk of rebels .

No worry Sir, not speak to much about ghost rebels or your troops running away!:biggrin:

18-08-2006, 15:23
Traveller, Dobber and Laudan,

Very interesting observations. I didn't realize that other "army" or squad joined the main rebel army. I've seen peasants, cavalry, and melee troops all following the main army.

Does this only happen with Loyalist Rebels? or as a Rebel becomes a Famous Rebel? in provinces where there is significant nostalgia? or war exhaustion?

It would be interesting to see if the first Rebel Army's size increased when the small squad joined.

I wonder if it affects the number of peasants with the "pitchfork" symbol above the town.

I didn't realize Rebellions grew that way.

18-08-2006, 15:29
I have seen it happen with both! Famous rebels are former armies that have been turned to rebel armies by a spy in a kingdom, they then pillage and plunder anywhere and everywhere sometimes traveling through 3 or 4 provinces to pillage. I have never seen a Famous Rebel attack a town.

The loyalist rebels do not turn into famous rebels, they just keep pillaging in their province until they reach I think 8 stars and then they attack the town to overthrow the province and succeed in doing so on occasion.

19-08-2006, 03:22
I have seen it happen with both! Famous rebels are former armies that have been turned to rebel armies by a spy in a kingdom, they then pillage and plunder anywhere and everywhere sometimes traveling through 3 or 4 provinces to pillage. I have never seen a Famous Rebel attack a town.

The loyalist rebels do not turn into famous rebels, they just keep pillaging in their province until they reach I think 8 stars and then they attack the town to overthrow the province and succeed in doing so on occasion.

Famous rebels could also be local rebels that have gained 8-10 stars. Instead of attacking the town, they cut across other provinces plundering away.

19-08-2006, 04:35
Thanks for that info Largefry, I had never noticed that. It is a good thing to keep in mind though.

Sir Sean
19-08-2006, 07:55
It’s quite easy to notice it (if you look at the kingdom happening; that’s the place at the bottom of the map which says such and such has signing a trade agreement with so and so).
Down there in red it says rebel so and so has become stronger than ever and is now plundering all in his sight!

19-08-2006, 14:44
Sir Sean,

I've never seen a message like that ... could you take a screenshot next time you see it?

I have occasionally seen messages in green when a Famous Rebel disappears from a province after I have eliminated the cause of the Rebellion.

19-08-2006, 14:49
Sir Sean have right, you see this messages. Next time i make a screen shot for you, Lord Nick.

19-08-2006, 14:52
Yes, I believe I've met such a message too, while I was translating the game. It doesn't appear very often though...

19-08-2006, 17:02
Thanks for the quick replies, I would appreciate that.

I guess I don't see rebels get that strong since I try to eliminate nostalgia quickly, and get rid of rebels as quickly as possible.

19-08-2006, 20:54
I am occasionally annoyed by Famous Rebels from AI countries though..

Nice info here!

19-08-2006, 21:29
I have recently conquered terrority in Italy and have not delt with the nostalgia yet. When a loyalist comes up I will not deal with him. I'll let him become a 8-10 star rebel and see what happens.

20-08-2006, 05:29
Thanks for the quick replies, I would appreciate that.

I guess I don't see rebels get that strong since I try to eliminate nostalgia quickly, and get rid of rebels as quickly as possible.

You haven't played as a pagan country then, have you? Playing as a pagan country you get a lot of rebels. Because the only way to get rid of the nostalgia is to stay at peace a long time and let it decrease on it's own. You get a lot of rebellions during that time.

20-08-2006, 14:37

I conquered all of Europe as the Golden Horde. I was able to quickly suppress rebellions because I only used all Cavarly armies, they had the Strategist and Admiral upgrades, and they had Iron Fist. I also made sure I kept one marshal in the "at-risk" sector, while the other two were out conquering someone. If things got really bad, I would pull my King or a Prince into a marshal role temporarily.

You should see all-Cav armies fly when you give them the Strategist upgrade compared to normal armies.

I only had one "real" problem during the game when several rebellions popped up in the Baltics after I pressed an inheritance claim against the Papacy. My KP went from +5 to -5, and I had to use the War Tax to get enough money to raise it back up. All my marshals were in the Meditteranean area, so I either had to sail around Europe or march across it. I ended up sailing, and killed one rebel, while the other two rebels disappeared on their own when I raised my KP.

20-08-2006, 15:29
I quelled the rebellions as well with an all cavalry unit. I didn't have an inhertitance claim against Papacy, but I did have a spy crowned King of the Papacy and I had him hand over the 13 province kingdom to me. That ruined relations with all Catholic Kingdoms and I could not remain at peace to get rid of Nostalgia, the Papacy had been spread far westward. In the farthest west provinces I was not able to send my cavalry unit(s) to take care of the rebels. I had 5 or 6 Marshall's leading armies at that time, but I also was fighting wars on 3 fronts in the east(against sometimes 5 or 6 different kingdoms. Thus the rebels grew. I was not ready to move into Western Europe yet, so I just decided if the rebellions cost me those several provinces, oh well.

24-08-2006, 01:30
Does anyone ever get "ghost" rebels?

Perhaps there's a better term for it ... let me explain what I see.

I get a Rebel crossing into one of my provinces from a neighbouring kingdom and a pop up message appears warning me of the invasion.

A few seconds later, another rebel crosses into the same province with pretty much the same trajectory. When I look at the map, I don't see a second rebel army. In the mini-map, I see 2 white squares .. one following the other. When I look back at the map, I see a little man walking across the country-side. I can't select him though.

When I destroy the first rebel army, the second "ghost" rebel also disappears.

Anyone else ever see this? Do you have an explanation for it?

that means the rebel army is getting reinforcement