View Full Version : Prince eric of lonrah clan

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30-12-2004, 03:32
Eric if you dont mind me asking how did you come up with that screen name it is quite creative and inventive ? are you a real prince or a descendant of one or is it related to the game in some way. I would be interested if you could tell us.

Are you willing to tell us how it came about ?

Prince Eric of the Lorah Clan
30-12-2004, 03:48
I'll tell you... I'll tell all of you.

I am not a real Prince, I'm just playing a game that I enjoy very much.

When I give my soldiers commands (and they are not real soldiers either) , they reply with a loyal "Aye, my Prince! For King and Country!" They call me a Prince and I enjoy it very much!:wink:

BTW, I hope you can get your copy of the game so you also can enjoy it as much as the rest of us.

Also, the name is "Lorah" not "lonrah"

30-12-2004, 07:28
well ive got a copy on the way - had to order from the US - emailed chips and bits and brought a few other games and seeing sa though its all being packaged in the one package the postage works out a lot cheaper. Thanks for youre help folks - i still hpe the company considers the other issue i have raised here and in 1 email to them. Dont hold any great hopes but it was an idea i had that would reward loyal fans and get more players playing 1602 AD which has been replaced by the sequel which is also a good game.

Anyway back to yorue name lol well it is all pretend isnt it in the end but at least the soilders obey youre orders. And even if you sacirifce them they dont seem to mind lol lol.

Oh so its lorah lol lol.

30-12-2004, 10:10
@ Monsertcash ... there is a PM-function on board. So if you wanna tell Eric and others such "important" personal things it would be kind to use it.

I do not like it = I come in here this morning. I see there are many posts. And the only thing i've seen until lnow is only a kind of spam ... :angry:

30-12-2004, 16:33
yes. nest someone mean will make a "that newbie monstercash is realt dumb!" topic. it happend to me. someone made a "that newbit from pittsburgh is realy dumb!" topic on the old board.

30-12-2004, 20:42
what are you talking about it was a valid question if you dont like it delete the whole thread then - its quite simple eric as a moderator on other forums myself all you gotta do is edit my posts or just delete them or move them. ?

10-01-2005, 13:52
Well, deleting posts or close threads should be the last thing that should be done by a admin, if it is not explicite necessary..and in this case, there is no reason to do it, ...but it is a question of politeness..this is only a personal question...you may ask it in the "Webmasters inn" or a thread with general dicussion themes or per PM..but to open a new thread ist simply not necessary...

10-01-2005, 21:56
the thrust of the thread was to ask eric how he got his user name - was there any special motivation behind it or was it just a random selection like monstercash was (i used a random user name generator and it came up with this)

11-01-2005, 10:38
Well...and we told you, that is a private question..the new board has the ability of PM...so why not use it?

11-01-2005, 22:11
the question has already been answered moryarity , i was simply pointing out that youre last response was also off topic. So please dont preech before you follow youre own advice lol lol - but prince eric of the lorah clan has already responded lol but feel free to respond again moryarity

12-01-2005, 09:59
I was not forbidding you to talk "off-topic"..we have a lot of threads "off-topic"...but this was not a thread for public view..it was just something between you and Eric..so it s personal..and so you can use "PM"

12-01-2005, 10:18
.. und schon wieder unnütz einer emailbenachrichtigung gefolgt.

Vielleicht können wir für unseren Freund vom fünften Kontinent ein eigenes Unterforum einrichten. Täglich sechs EMailbenachrichtigungen nur seinetwegen. Was bei der Postingsfrequenz für 1602 ein überaus stattliche Quote ist. Und wenn ich dann schaue ist für mich nix Konstruktives dabei.
Ich weiss, ich lehne mich aus dem Fenster. Nur wie mir das kaffeekränzchen von gestern zeigt bin ich nicht der einzige.

12-01-2005, 10:24
frieden be kind and put that in english well thank you !

12-01-2005, 10:27
Sorry, therefore my bad english must be improved first. That could take time up ... :wink:

12-01-2005, 10:32
Na ja, ich frag mich auch schon mal, wozu eigentlich diese Smilies gut sind:

:spam: :ban: :offtopic: :wtf:

12-01-2005, 10:40
..und da es grundsätzliche keine dummen Fragen gibt also eine intelligente Frage.
(nur der zweite smilie ..naja :scratch: ) .

12-01-2005, 12:55
Noch so ne '"intelligente" Frage am Rande...wofür steht "WTF"?

12-01-2005, 12:57
Ich glaube, das ist nicht ganz jugendfrei... So in etwa "was zum Teufel", schätze ich mal.

12-01-2005, 13:11
Ansonsten, googeln und "wtf lol aka afaik" eingeben (mußte ich heute morgen mangels Kenntnis auch erst machen :blush: ).

@ Budgie +RR, ihr kennt sachen *staun* - was habt ihr für'n Umgang dass ihr sowas alles beherrscht :scratch: :wink:

12-01-2005, 13:31
Seit der Cover-Version von "Living next door to Ellis" gehört sowas doch zur Allgemeinbildung... ;) :D