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Beyazit I.
06-09-2004, 23:54
The Ottoman Turks never used Camels in their Army the Seljuks not too. The only Turks that used Camels in fights were the Mameluks. The reason is that Camels have one very huge Problem they donīt like engraves/gaps (hope is the right word) so if somewhere is a gap no Camel will jump over it or go around it they will only flee or stand still. Maybe in the Desert Camels are good but not in Europe.

07-09-2004, 00:37
Thats why I am saying that Camels should and will be available in Middle East and North Africa. ;)

07-09-2004, 11:27
Lol... and then they refuse duty when you try to move them past constantinopel :silly:

23-09-2004, 19:04

Why haven't this unit in the game ?

23-09-2004, 19:08
do you mean the tower? the siege tower?

I guess the devs wanted to use it and they also planed it, but finaly they decided as they decided. Many people (like me) would like to see it as well, but not everything is perfect. They also had some good reasons why not to implement it in tha game, but I already forgot them and I have not enough free time to search it for you.

So, my advice is:
search here on forums posts of Frank Fay or Frujin including words siegetower or siege tower. I guess you will find an answer.

15-10-2004, 20:34
Why can I build Scottish Highlanders all across Europe but Only a handful of provinces can build Men at Arms or Knights? Did I miss a day at school somewhere? Is this just a product of the demo (which is what I'm playing)

15-10-2004, 20:39
Your startprovs are at Scotland, so your royal unit is the highlander and you can build them anywhere.
The other are local or special local units and only available in some provs

15-10-2004, 22:18
But what I mean is, Highlanders are from Scotland. It seem reasonable that they can only be built on the british mainland, Minimum.
All Men-at-Arms reguire is chainmail and swordsmith. I should be able to build them anywhere I build those bldgs. Right? In the game I played last night, Men-at Arms could not be build anywhere in Britain, but I could build Highlanders in Bagdad. Excuse me, but that seems a little strange to me.

I have noticed certain provinces can build bowmen but not archers. What gives? Why have 2 basic ranged weapon units? Archers should be an upgrade from bowmen. Archers should require chainmail as well. Swordsmen should be an upgrade from axeman.

It was easy for a blacksmith to make an axe, making a sword that didn't shatter on the first strike, that takes skill.
The bldgs should upgrade like other RTS. You build an armory, then it upgrades to scale, then chain & finally plate. Axes to spears to bows to swords. It seems more logical to me.

Damn Dirty Ape
16-10-2004, 11:34
good point.. Bydaway, i could make men at arms in East Anglia aka early London

16-10-2004, 21:17
Actually the unit avaliblity seems to change from game to game. This also seems silly. I like the idea of the provice atributes (patures, silver, game etc.) Changing with every game. But something that only needs certian bldgs to be built, shouldn't chnge game to game. According to the game I was playing, Feudal Knights could only be built in less than ten provinces. How can that be if I have to hire 9 knights to sit on my council. Maybe it will be fixed by the patch.