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18-09-2004, 18:28
Interesting. I will have to check on net if I can found something about that. :go:

Krum The Terrible
18-09-2004, 19:01
Nike prav si, a imam 5 po Bylgarski.
:silly: :silly:

EDIT: Finellach I don't know if this quote is from him or not(I believe it is), but is fact that this is the first and the last time when Byzantine emperor and his son are killed in one battle.

18-09-2004, 21:24
who is the leader of TBD clan?

19-09-2004, 10:01
I guess Tzar Ivan Assen II - the Creator of the thread.

@Finellach, the more common (current) name of Veregava pass is Varbishki prohod. And I'm sure that Khan Krum said it - I have 6 on Bulgarian History. But what's funny about "na ti sekira"? Does it mean something else on Srbo/Croatian?

19-09-2004, 17:05
No it just sounds funny thats all. :)

And btw. I don't need to repeat how much I dislike the artificial name "Serb-Croatian" or "Croato-Serbian". These two languages are different from each other, although the difference si impercetible by a foreigner and is also a fact that we can't understand each other pretty well the two languages are not the same nor is there such thing as "Serbo-Croatian".
I can give you an example in correlation of Russian and Ukranian or Slovakian and Czech, Danish and Swedish, Catalan and Castillan, etc...

19-09-2004, 18:01
Well, sorry, I tought that's the official "name" of the language! Atleast that's what I've heard! Sorry!

19-09-2004, 18:14
Thats the name of the official language spoken in former Yugoslavia. Such language never existed and people always spoke either Croatian or Serbian. Since Yugoslavia also ceased to exist such "language" ceased to exist as welll....although it never existed anyway.

19-09-2004, 18:26
Aha! OK! Sorry!

Tzar Ivan Assen II
20-09-2004, 20:21
Hi guys,
I'm sorry I didn't visit the forum but I was out of town

The clan looks great !
let the game come out and the bulgarian devastation will "give them an axe" :)

Nike tva za krum i az shte si go sloja 4e me kefi :)

Tzar Ivan Assen II
20-09-2004, 20:26
Nqkoi razbira li na HTML ili PHP da napravim edin sait na klana ?

20-09-2004, 21:29
mmmH...Php code is better than Html, but also Html produces something of bond :D

21-09-2004, 08:01
Az ne moga da pravia saitove, taka che vie izbiraite!

@Tzar Ivan Assen II, molia te, smeni si zelenoto sas po-svetlo!

I poneje temata e za Bulgarite, shte postna edin link s biseri (http://sf.ludost.net/autors/h/raznibozi/Pearls.htm) kato:

* Prez denia Zemiata se varti okolo Slanceto, a prez noshta - okolo Lunata.
* Abraham Linkoln e roden v darvena koliba, koiato postroil sobstvenorachno.
* Napoleon bil diktator zashtoto imal sposobnostta da diktuva niakolko pisma navednaj.
* Prez 1763 Francia zakupila Korsika, tri godini predi rajdaneto na Napoleon, za da moje da se rodi francusin.
* Karl V bil roden pri lelia si, zashtoto maika mu ne bila tam.
* Rimlianite bili golemi stroiteli. Tiahno delo sa mnogo pavirani patishta, izmejdu koito nai-prochut e Mlechnia pat.
* New York zakasniava spriamo Grinuichkoto vreme, zashtoto Amerika e otkrita mnogo po-kasno.

Впрочем форума поддържа и кирилица!

Krum The Terrible
21-09-2004, 10:11
И аз не разбирам от Php или Html. И понежер, както Nike отбеляза, темата е за българи ще кажа: Айде бе хора само четирама ли са българите в тоя форум сега е момента да се включите в клана.

P.S link s biseri - Много яко.

21-09-2004, 10:35
Хахах... От бисерите намерих и:
Преброяване - операция, която се състои от минаване от къща в къща с цел да се увеличи населението.

Защо ли ме навежда на други мисли?

Луната е обитаема, защото там свети.
Галилей е успял да завърти Земята, но църквата го подложила на мъчения, защото искала да го накара да я спре.

PS. Can we change our names? I would like to add [TBD] to my nick.

21-09-2004, 11:43
You can't change your names. :(

Also, please, do not overuse Bulgarian language here. It's true I'm watching and I can moderate, but the rest of the users could be curious to see what are you talking about.

The forum at BSS web site is open now for Bulgarians (and soon for other languages) as well. So, you can meet there. Although, I'd preffer to see the KoH community sticking to this offcial place.

NoC Lord Fire
21-09-2004, 12:01
hello all. I great all the members of bulgarian clan.

21-09-2004, 12:18
Great! I'll sign up immediately!

Thank you Lord Fire! And I greet all of The Nobles of Croatia! :cheers:

Edit: For those who can't read Cyrillic - most of the things are about the link with some "pearls" I gave.

Tzar Ivan Assen II
21-09-2004, 16:43
Nike nice, pearls :)

Is the green ok now ? :)

Krum The Terrible
21-09-2004, 18:11
Nice green. Thank you NoC Lord Fire I really want(I believe all members TBD too) to meet you and all other members of NoC on the virtual battlefield to decide which of the both clans is better. Until then goodbye, take care :cheers:

Ivan Sratsimir
22-09-2004, 22:20
Hello everyone!
What shell I do now?

I za6to da ne pi6em na kirilica? Ne razbiram kakva e razlikata? Nima nqkoi nemec sega razbira kakvo pi6a samo za6oto e na latinica.
And how am I supposed to "feel myself Bulgarian" when I (and not only) am not allowed to write on the Holy Cyrillic Alphabet?