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Tzar Ivan Assen II
14-09-2004, 11:58
This is the official thread of the Bulgarian National Clan - THE BULGARIAN DEVASTATION
Those who wish to join may add the name of the clan in their signatures in white, red and green (see mine)


14-09-2004, 12:22
No, but we can make one!

Edit: Един пост относно превод на част от играта (http://forum.sunflowers.de/showpost.php?p=135691&postcount=378)

14-09-2004, 16:37
Count me in. :)

14-09-2004, 18:43
Clans are popping out everywhere :D

14-09-2004, 19:59
Most people are acting like Dwarves....forming clans and such. :D :p

14-09-2004, 20:02
It will be great, when we have two KoH-clans. And it would be better, when it will be an international clan with user from every country - then there will be more members.

Tzar Ivan Assen II
14-09-2004, 21:49
Well , any idea about a name of the clan ? :)

Krum The Terrible
15-09-2004, 11:31
Bulgarian clan!!! I'm in.

15-09-2004, 12:04
Most people are acting like Dwarves....forming clans and such. :D :p

I like Dwarves (only males, female dwarves have beard :silly: :sick: )!

Az sam vutre! V podpisite li shte si slojim imeto na klana/link kam temata ili...

Khan Omurtag
16-09-2004, 14:29
Hello everybody!

I am pleased to see that KoH is about to be released in Europe.
Couple questions that I would like to ask?
1. Is there going to be a way to purchase original KoH in Bulgaria? (I own both Tzar & CK in original) – expected price?
2. Is there going to be a translation in Bulgarian?
3. Is there going to be a Bulgarian campaign as some rumors suggested?

From what I have seen so far it certainly looks like it will have an interesting gameplay and it will be a lot of fun. As it seems Veso is trying to learn from his mistakes – Tzar was most often criticized for its cut-scenes and music. As I can see a sub-contractor was hired to do the 3D work – the intro is not great, but it is still a good effort, which is above average and will not leave bad impression. The music is also quite good, a little above average, but there could be some real gems in there – I was very pleasantly surprised by the short sample of Last Fortress!

16-09-2004, 15:49
The languages of the game will be in english, french and german (full)

Tzar Ivan Assen II
16-09-2004, 22:49
Nike , predlagam The Bulgarian Devastation [TBD] ama tova e samo probno , ako ne ti haresa she go smenim. pishem go v podpisite s bqlo , zeleno , 4erveno :P
ama imame li pravo da pishem na BG ?? :)

Khan Omurtag , welcome !

17-09-2004, 08:41
Zashto ne? Francusite pishat na Frenski, Italiancite - na Italianski, Germancite daje si imat sobtven forum... A Frujin moje da ni moderira na Bulgarski, taka che spored men ne bi triabvalo da ima problemi.

Khan Omurtag, dobre doshal!
1. Da, shte mojesh da si ia kupish originalna, no za cenata nishto ne se znae.
2. Niama da ima Bulgarska localizatzia (zasega, nadiavam se).
3. Ima samo edna campania - Glavnata karta. Niama da ima obiknoveni kampanii, t.e. da vodish razni geroi nasam-natam kato v Warcraft-a ili Age-a.

Lord Cool
17-09-2004, 18:00
a new clan, great!!! :go:

Krum The Terrible
18-09-2004, 09:25
Mnogo hubavo ime. Izobshto super clan se zaformq. :)

EDIT: Predlagam tva poslednoto ot moq podpis da ni stane moto :cheers: 8)

18-09-2004, 17:09
Dobre, samo che nesthesh i nati triabva da sa otdelno - ne shtesh i na ti!

Lord Cool
18-09-2004, 17:23
what means that in english?

18-09-2004, 17:38
Something like "If you don't want peace, you'll receive an axe". Khan Krum said that to the Byzantine emperor Nikephorus when he rejected his peace proposal, and later he destroyed his army, killed him and made a cup from his skull!

PS. @Ivan Asen, smeni si zelenoto na po-svetlo, che ne se vijda!

18-09-2004, 17:45
Hmmmm is that really a quote from Khan Krum the Terrible? :)

Btw. the name in Bulgarian sounds funny, but cool. Na ti sekira LOL :D :p

18-09-2004, 17:56
Yep, just after Nikephorus burned Pliska and awhile before he lost at the batlle in Veregava pass!