View Full Version : France ****s (in the game)

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Phénix Rouge
27-09-2004, 23:42
Hey Frenchies, is it true that you do not take baths

its a games area ...its a silly question ...

but for answer ...

Yes Dilton , never a bath ...., the water ...ist the bad ....

For this reason i don't have a bathroom ..

vade retro soap ......

and i don't like the sea ...brrr lot of water ...

and i drink only soda (arf they water in the soda no :scratch: ??)

tsss poor boy ... :rolleyes:

27-09-2004, 23:57
edit : ok I got it. Dilton, I've read some of your posts, what you say is generally un-interesting. I suggest we act as if you did not exist. Fortunately in a few hours you will disappear from these fora and your non-existence will become effective. :)

me too. (although most of them were deleted by lady nadine) now i regret that i did react to his post. hmm, who cares, back to topic :hello:

anybody with similar french disapperaring experiences?

Le Grand Moufty
27-09-2004, 23:58

It is of right that France controls the world!!!
Bien dit :hello:

28-09-2004, 00:11
Sorry this thread was not supposed to generate this kind of dubious xenophobic humour, nore any unwelcomed kind of nationalism.

Please mods just close or delete the whole of it before it starts leading nowhere as it is bound to.

edit : ok I got it. Dilton, I've read some of your posts, what you say is generally un-interesting. I suggest we act as if you did not exist. Fortunately in a few hours you will disappear from these fora and your non-existence will become effective. :)

It is the only clever post on this thread... I think you are right. The aim of this thread is only to know if there is a script IA or not... It was an interesting question... for un-interesting people... ;(

28-09-2004, 00:29
now I understand so rules of Koh, but it has (demo version) time limit?