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19-05-2005, 04:06
Smirnof, FYI: Vatican is much more powerfull in Italy than Italy in Vatican.
And Vatican is independent suvereign state. Just it is a bit too small...

19-05-2005, 06:23
Actually, Smirnof, since the uniffication of Italy (in the 1880s) by the king of Pidemonte, Vittorio Manuel, the pope was a prisioner of war of the Italian government.

It wasn't until the signing of the Beltran treaty in the 1920s between the pope at that time (John XXIII I believe) and Benitto Mussolini that the Vatican city became an independent state.

Also, in the medieval times and after the fall of Constantinopla too, the most important families of Italy did control the papacy, usually by pointing one of its members as Pope (e.g. the Medicis).


Da Bomb
19-05-2005, 21:24
Awesome. We studied the Medicis in my Humanities class. Nice to know something actually has to do with real life!

The Beastmaster
25-07-2005, 03:17
Found this thread, (just got excommunicated)
Had to pull it up for other newbies like myself to see.

26-07-2005, 10:56
the pope asked me formy marshall to lead the crusades, and I refuse, then he asked for my second marshall and I rejected. hm
Then this asshole excomunicated me from church. :angry:
the question is, how can I come back? in church? :bash:

26-07-2005, 11:00
Yeah the same thing happened to me.The pope called a cursrade agains somebody and he asked me to lead it.I refused and got excomunicated from the church.I want to know where I can click to rejoin the church or is there something else I can do??

26-07-2005, 11:18
In your piety window there is a button ask pope for forgivness, but it cost much gold and nothing guarantees that he'll accept you back in the church. But when your king dies, you are automaticly forgiven. Also pope may forgive you before he dies, but I don't know what influences that.

26-07-2005, 11:21
How much does it cost to forgive?5000,10000,1000000???

26-07-2005, 11:27
Last time I checked, it was 16000 gold and 1000 piety. But it maybe depends of thje size of your kingdom, like kingdom power cost

26-07-2005, 11:44
Oh I see,so if I have 5 provinces and 5 kingdom power it should cost me.....????

26-07-2005, 15:57
No. Its costs the amout of your kingdom. If its small usally 1000, 10,000 gold. the bigger you are the more its costs. Also if your Excommicated what does it do?? besides not leading crusades and stuff is there a penalty?

26-07-2005, 16:00
I don't know what does it do.I think just that its not right.Which is the best kingdom to play with.I mean wich kigndom of all has the highest potential,most units avaible to recuit,more resources??

26-07-2005, 16:44
When you are excomunicated you get morale and money penalty, every other catholic kingdom will hate you, most of them will declare war and the pope might even call a crusade against you.

26-07-2005, 17:21
Rely?Wow!So its better not to get excomunicated huh?But what will happen even if your king died and you don't get forgivnes?

27-07-2005, 09:42
I have to pay 60 000 bucks to this so called pope :angry: . rather I will wait till my old king die. :sad:

27-07-2005, 09:46
Yeah,its a maste of cash.I mean you could have built buildings,hiring merchants and etc.,recuiting army with that 60 000 buks.But can you play with the pope?I mean can you play witht papacy and control the pope?