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27-07-2005, 16:05
Oh I'm sorry to hear that you won't be intouch with computers.They are great when your playing um ?KoH?.I think that after what Angryminer and Xuca told me I gained more exp. and I think if they answer my other questions(which I wrote and which I'm about to) I'll be ready for a testrun!
Hope I see you soon Kris_stz!Keep in touch 'kay?Don't be a stranger!

27-07-2005, 16:05
Xuca please continue to answer my questions.Or anybody else!

27-07-2005, 16:28
6. they might require trade goods or other buildings. Point your mouse over them and you'll see what is required.
7. Pope can call for a crusade and exomunicate catholic kingdoms. If your cleric gets elected as the pope, you can exomunicate people and call for crusades, but he may not like your desition and exomunicate you.
8. a)they require horses
b)not all provinces can train mounted units
9. You can either siege the castle, or attack it. When you siege, you starve the defenders. You can see a bar at the bottom saying how much food they have left. When it's depleted, they start dieing fast, but that can happen to you also if your army runs out of food. Also Bboth armies recieve siege attrition, which depends on marshal skills and installed defences on the castle.
If you don't wish to siege, you can assault it by clicking the assault button which is right of your army. Than you'll have to break the gates first, brfore you enter the castle
10. Your marshal need engeniering skill to hire siege weapons.
no skill - only laddermen
level 1 - balistas
level 2 - catapults
level 3 - tebuchets
11. They indicate your marshals expirince. with Each star you can use a new marshal skill or upgrade old one. Each skill has 3 levels
12. Theys represen the chance of your spy succsseding in his mission
13. The stars indicate his expirience. With every successfull mission, he earns one star. You can also educate him to get the stars(costs 1000 books). Maximum number of stars is 5.

Let me rest a little, and I'll answer the rest of yor questions

27-07-2005, 16:32
Wow!Thanks a lot man!You helped me a lot!But after you answer my other 7 quwstions I have some more because while you were answering I was playing with the Highlands and....whell I'll tell you later.

27-07-2005, 16:46
15. a)when you are conquered
b)when you conquer whole Europe
c)when you aquire all kingdom advantages(you get to choose if you want to finish the game)
d)when you get elected as the Emperor of Europe(you get to choose if you want to finish the game)
e)when enemy king gets elected as the Emperor of Europe(you get to choose if you want to finish the game, but if you don't accept him as the Emperor all the major powers declare war on you)
f)when you claim the title of Emperor of Europe(it's a bit different then the regular elections)
g)when you choose quit and delete your savegame :biggrin:
16.The pope might offer your marshal to lead the crusade, or if you control the pope, you can call a crusade, but you can't yoin other marshal's crusade
17.Your best knight.
18.yes, if they are hired by the enemy as spies, but not when marshals/merchants/etc
19. hire a knight or assign your king or prince as a spy and don't send him to another country. Then he'll automaticly protect your court from spies
20.a)they are unhappy. To get them happy lower taxes, build inns and hostels, increase kingdom power, marry your royal familly members, win battles in the province.
b)you recently conquered enemy's province, and the population feels nostalgic and tries to rejoin the former kingdom or ressurect it. Wait while it dissapears by itself, or hire a cleric, make him goven the province, click on him and choose adopt population. If you have enough books, the nostalgia wiulldissapear

27-07-2005, 17:15
Thanks a lot.Heres another buch of qestions for you.I was playing with the Highlands and after a while(it took me long because I was trying to read your answers and trying them out)and later I declared war on the kingdom next to me.After I conqerd their province with Highlanders(look very funny)there was a qestion.Do you wish to Reunite Scotland!Its good thing I saved the game before I took the town.What now?Shall I reunite it?What will happen?Than I played with Cordoba and the pope called a cursrade agains me and since the announcment there were no sighn of cursraders!What shall I do?Than I saw my enemys army marchin through my land.I defeted him but it was a though battle because my army was forced on refts!what gives?And he was just witing for me on the coast with towers and he was just witing.Another time I was attacking an enemy camp!You know that you can make camps to rest right?(Of course you do you are a professional.)Nut this camp was diffrent!It had a little wall around it and shooted arrows at my army?!?What is this?

27-07-2005, 17:35
If you reunite scotland then your country will become scotland, I think you get a reward for this( not sure ask xuca). There are other kingdoms that can be reunited, like england if you are playing with the normans in early mid ages. If the pope calls for a crusade against you all you can do is fight back and defend your land from the crusaders.
That camp with walls around it is a fortify camp, you can get it when you put a skill point on tactics skill.
Also is you game patched?

27-07-2005, 17:37
1. Choose to reunite Scotland. You'll get some gold, and it feels good. You can also unite England, Russia, Bulgaria, Spain, Serbia, Ireland, Byzantia... But you need to reunite with specific kingdoms, Ireland can be reunited in early with Ulster, Leinster or Munster, but not with Sweden.You get gold and sometimes KP and piety, and your name and flag changes.
2.The crusade was probably recalled.
3. That's called river battle. I'm not sure what decides who will be on the refts, try experimenting a little with that.
4. That is fortified camp. The defenders shoot arrows on the enemy and have a difence bonus. If your marshal has the tactic skill, you can build it too.

27-07-2005, 17:43
I see.Well theres another problem I noticed is that archers when shooting can kill my own units.Also I had a battle with one guy and his archers were throing flaming arrows at me? whats this?Also I sended my men up a ladder once.That ladder was a piece of a tower.And when they riched the top there was a little fighting and suddenly all of them were gone!

27-07-2005, 17:44
How can I have fortyfied camps?Them flaming arrows?What about my sqads stamins.Its a little low some how,can I rase it somehow?My archers topped firing once.Why?Because they are out of arrows right?Is there a way to refil the arrows?

27-07-2005, 17:52
Jesus you ask alot of questions...
As I said I think you need to patch your game, thats why your men disapeared.
I already answered how to have fortify camps, put 1 point in tactic skill and then click on create fortify camp button. you get flaming arrows when you put a point in ballistic skill( look at all the skills, put the mouse over them so you dont have to ask about every single one of them :wink: The stanima goes down when they are fighting/ running/charging, you can recover it by letting them rest or by making camp( yes you can order your men to make camp while in a battle. Arrows are recovered by making camps and lettign archers rest for a while. Also you can make your archers stop shooting by clicking the cease fire button, click it again and they will fire again. Your archer do kill your own soldiers if they are on the line of fire, but this can be stoped by reaching lvl 3 archer mastery or ballistic??( not sure been long time i don't play lol)
My advise is to go play start touching buttons, look what they do and experiment with everything, thats how i learned, besides is more fun to find things for your self than someone else telling you, is part of the game and the satisfaction is greater :go:

27-07-2005, 17:55
1. It's logical, isn't it? Take level 3 archery skill, and there will be no more friendly fire. Also with that skill your archers gain expirience faster.
2. Balistics skill. If you upgrade it to level 3, level 3 archery will have no effect to friendfly fire.
3. It is hard to fight when you are climbing a ladder, and the enemy is on top waiting for you, isn't it?
4. To get fortified camps, take tactics skill, for flaming arros balistics.
5. Raise it by camping or simply standing still(slower). Also expirinced units have more stamina, and thare is a marshal skill for stamina, endurance(but not sure if it's exactly it's name)
6. Yes, they are out of arrows. There is a little blue arrow right of their picture, and it indicates how many arrows they have. You can refill the arrows by camping(in battle)

EDIT: Richard, you were again faster than me :cheers:

27-07-2005, 18:13
Thanks.I know I ask a lot of questions but its for mine own good.I'll learn faster.And experimenting isn't that fun!Also,when I'm at war I noticed that when an enemy army comes to my territory it starts to plunder.Whats up with that?

27-07-2005, 18:16
lol, well at least you make them mor organize

27-07-2005, 18:19
Make who organize?

27-07-2005, 19:46
Also,when I'm at war I noticed that when an enemy army comes to my territory it starts to plunder.Whats up with that?

Enemy armies plunder the small villages because they don't feel ready to assault your castle. The plundering gives them experience, food & gold. You can do the same in their provinces. I generally find it more effective to simply take out their castles.

27-07-2005, 19:53
Yes indeed.But theres a bit of logic here.Plunder to gain exp. with it you can increase you marshal's skills.Plunder to have gold-that will be very useful if you are low on gold.I bet if you plunder a lot you will decrese the enemys morale?Is there a skill whihc can increase the plunder rate?

27-07-2005, 20:02
Is there a skill whihc can increase the plunder rate?

The skill is called "Enforcer". You can read a little about it here:
http://www.knights-of-honor.net/jump.php?go=en|2|gameinfo%2Ffeatured_story%2Fknigh ts_5.php
or just hold your mouse over the Enforcer skill for your Marshal.

27-07-2005, 20:07
I see.So if this skill "Enforcer" is up to level 3 your plunder rate will be incresed how much?And your loot will be 2000 gold?I just don't get one thing(Joke)how much does it cost to get an exotic good?

27-07-2005, 20:30
exotic goods cost something between 1000 - 3000 gold coins to upkeep them :go:

hope this can answer your question :go: :cheers: