View Full Version : Comment on the Graphics

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11-03-2004, 06:54
Terrain and buildings atleast have to be 2d in oder to make the game look good

11-03-2004, 13:19
3D-maps aren't that bad!

Just those objects are better drawn.


11-03-2004, 18:34
Yes, koh Strategic Map Graphics is very very good, but 3d graphics is much more useful in combat mode.

When 2 army facing each other you need to see, at the start, only by an arch of 180-240°. How far you can see, if your avatar in game can, and not angle is the matter in combat view.
Example, i'm on the top of an hill and i deployed my troops in a defensive tact, waiting for enemy. In front of me i have clear land. In 3d view i can see (easily, immediately and without much screen scrooling ) enemy while is approaching at far distance. I can see his troops manouvering, example trying to encircle me from left because at left there are woods or higher hill for their archers so i can redeploy e re-asset my army. I can react "easily" and quickly before they reach my line.
Also, 3d maps are surely bigger than standard 2d map. 2d map cannot be big as Total War map or players will get crazy try to scrolling and scrolling and scrolling left, up, right, down :D
A bigger map means a much realistic combat field....as you know battles, usually, took place in wide area not in little area.

As you know Total War combat view matched all this.
2d could be detailed and nice but 3d is much useful....imho


11-03-2004, 22:16
i'll agree you Darksky i also like the 3D graphic - things like the ability to rotate the battlefield a nice detail and are important - to me at least.

12-03-2004, 00:34
i liked the grathics in AoAII more then the 3D grathics in Empire Earth

the knightly sword
29-03-2004, 22:26
oh **** i really made a mess here