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28-06-2004, 11:58
ooops must have missed Nadine's post;)

Yeah Elewyn thats a cool selection of screenshots

I still would like to see more Arab screenshots in close view though;)

@ Henrik - maybe 4zzY is seeking to spread the seeds of rebellion;)

28-06-2004, 16:00
Originally posted by Redback
ooops must have missed Nadine's post;)

Yeah Elewyn thats a cool selection of screenshots

I still would like to see more Arab screenshots in close view though;)

@ Henrik - maybe 4zzY is seeking to spread the seeds of rebellion;)

yeahh, who knows - it's impossible to fully understand how women thinks ! and maybe they were all created that way for a good purpose.

28-06-2004, 16:51
O, what a noble mind is here o'erthrown!
The courtier's, soldier's, scholar's, eye, tongue, sword,
Th'expextancy and rose of the fair state
The glass of fashion and the mould of form
Th'observed of all observers, quite, quite, down!
And I, of ladies most deject and wretched,
That ****ed the honey of his music vows
Now see that noble and most sovereign reason
Like sweet bells jangled, out of time and harsh,
That unmatch'd form and feature of blown youth
Blasted with ecstasy. O, woe is me
T'have seen what I have seen, see what I see!

enough being courteous i wont play Ophelia
ill be Joan of Ark or not she was a virgin after all
and i have two children already
that crazy prick won't let me have rest
two kids so far and im still just 19...

the only consolation is that both are not his
Pedro is gay


28-06-2004, 20:21
well 4zzY, that Pedro dude don't seem to errrrmmm *cough* be playing for "the other team" the whole time :rolleyes: or is the two children a proof of that "someone" has tried to sorta "convert" him atleast twice ? :lol:

29-06-2004, 01:48
You have two kids and you look great, i'm impressed! Wow! Why can't women in the US look like you; after kids that is. Again, I need a cold shower.:cheers:

P.S. Pedro if you can read this, you need to be kicked in the junk, repeatedly!

Drake Maethor
30-06-2004, 08:05
OK People!
Sorry for ending your party but I think those aren't 4zzY's kids!
They are her bros/sisters!

Drake Maethor
30-06-2004, 08:20
Originally posted by d'Honaire
You have two kids and you look great, i'm impressed! Wow! Why can't women in the US look like you; after kids that is. Again, I need a cold shower.:cheers:

P.S. Pedro if you can read this, you need to be kicked in the junk, repeatedly!

She looks like a vermicelli!

Sir Turylon
30-06-2004, 21:10
Originally posted by Henrik

btw, i think you've forgot to congratulate 4zzY with her two children and her marriage to Pedro of Aragon - i'll guess that's why we haven't seen so much of her lately - she's busy taking care of both the young ones and the husband :lol:

My proof: Richie's family (http://gamesdomain.yahoo.com/slideshow?cid=1991392781&ssidx=14)

let's see how long it takes for somebody to change their avatar to the one of Pedro. lol.

30-06-2004, 22:59
Originally posted by Sir Turylon
let's see how long it takes for somebody to change their avatar to the one of Pedro. lol.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. :scratch:


Sir Turylon
01-07-2004, 02:56
Originally posted by Henrik
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. :scratch:


hey, stop staring at me.. I like this portrait. (I'm not ogling 4zzy's pic every single hour like the rest of you people...seriously.. remember who is who in that story... silly henrik)

dude has a cape.. got some armor on.. and has a bit of an arrogant look on his face... (he's probably looking at a bunch of french people. lol)