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Pomerania Prince
31-10-2003, 22:04
So how many nation can you play? Will we have a choice of some Slave or Arab nations? Or just England and France?:confused:

01-11-2003, 00:18
I was also meaning to ask this, i hope there will be a large variety..i would like to play as the under dog and kill all the super powers so i hope they include minor nations.

Pomerania Prince
01-11-2003, 00:53
Yes, all the games that have only England, France, Spain are on my crap list.

01-11-2003, 10:04
I'm pretty sure you can play at least the Germans and maybe the Polish and Russians as well, since the game map reaches to the westernmost fringes of Russia.:cool:

01-11-2003, 10:29
It depends on starting year. But in general I'd say that you can play with everyone. For the middle starting point - that makes 26 different Kingdoms. Of course, this might be changed in the future if we decide to.

01-11-2003, 10:32
Who does "everyone" include?

01-11-2003, 10:38
Uhmm .. :) I can't reveal that exacly right now, but you perhaps can look at some medieval maps covering times since 750 AD to 1350 AD approximately. And you can make pretty secure guess. If you find some cool links post them here. Btw I'm curious to see your bets ;)

01-11-2003, 15:07
I found some maps of europe, a map for every 100 years,

Heres the maps from 1AD to 1000AD
maps AD 1 to AD 1000 (http://www.euratlas.com/time1.htm)

And heres the maps 1100AD to 2000AD
AD 1100 to AD 2000 (http://www.euratlas.com/time2.htm)

Click on the "BIG map" button to see the whole of europe at same time.

Tell me what you think

01-11-2003, 15:17
Pretty good.:cheers:

01-11-2003, 15:50
And your bets are for which Factions? :king:

01-11-2003, 17:57
Does the top part of africa make it in to the map?

01-11-2003, 18:11
No North Afrika and also no Near/Middle East.

01-11-2003, 23:05
That's for the expansion/sequel tee-hee! ;)

02-11-2003, 01:46
There could be the Carolingian empire of Charlemagne and the smaller successor kingdoms created by Treaty of Verdun in 843 Francia, Lotharingia in the middle that encompassed everything from the Low Countries to Northern Italy, and a western portion approximating to modern-day Germany. There could be the various kingdoms of Anglo-Saxon England like Wessex or Mercia. There might be the Rhomanoi, that is to say, the Greek descendant of the Roman Empire generally called Byzantium. There could be small Italian city states like Venice or Amalfi that were nominally Byzantine by treaty or supposed rule. There could be those states on the margins like those of Scandinavia that started almost without warning to prey on the complacent Carolingian successor kingdom with their cumbersome mail clad foot infantry. There could be that portion of Spain under Moslem control and the small kingdoms in the north that resisted them.

Mention of Muslim ruled Spain brings up a pertinent issue aside v from the obvious one of additional building styles (I hope that will be possible). And that is subordinate rulers. Local emirs were granted considerable autonomy perhaps enough to merit them a place as a game faction. Counts and Dukes that Charlemagne intended as officials became hereditary noblemen scarcely affected by whatever ruler was the king or emperor. So potentially the number of factions could be infinite.

03-11-2003, 08:58
I expect the HRE not to be featured as a single 'nation' (there were no 'nations' per se in the middle ages, anyway - it's a modern term) but istead its major principalities.
Assuming the middle starting point would be around 1100, I'd bet on the following 26 sides:

Burgundy (Arelat)
Papal States
Byzanthine Empire

04-11-2003, 00:21
Well, how many of those are right?

04-11-2003, 10:30
Arround 14 :)

04-11-2003, 11:32
:O Damn! My bad. ;)

Let's see if anybody else comes closer, then :D

04-11-2003, 11:40
I'd guess that the HRE will be counted as a single nation, otherwise there would just be too many of the small principalities. I also happen to know (from screenshots) that Wales is also a nation. http://www.gamespot.com/pc/strategy/knightsofhonor/screens.html?page=49
If you look in the bottom right corner of the picture, you can also see the mini-map, which is probably for the main campaign.

04-11-2003, 13:55
I had seen that screen. However, for starters, we cannot know that this is from the 'middle' scenario.
On the British Isles, we have the Scots (purple) and the English (red). I don't see other colours there, but the noticeable gap around southern Ireland could be the Irish (green and thus not visible). On the other hand, there is in fact a screenshot (here (http://www.4players.de/utilities/displayimage.php3?Table=Screenshots&Column=vollbild&Id=64236&Database=4p-network)) that shows us Wales as a side of its own, coloured white, but again, we don't know which scenario this is. Of course, the latter screenshot is from an older build. It would appear asia minor has since been included on the game map.

BTW: On the Gamespot screenshot, we can see not only that HRE is obviously handled as on single side (I take back my earlier assumption), we also recognize what appears to be Portugal at the edge of the Iberian peninsula. Portugal, however, did not exist until the middle of the 12th century, so I assume this is the 'late period' scenario. We could still try to pick out all of the sides that are visible, but I don't think they are bound to be the same as for the 'middle' scen.

Let's see (there's a version w/o the logo here (http://www.gamershell.com/imagefolio/gallery/RTS/Knights_of_Honor/Siege_of_Wales.jpg)):
England (red)
Scotland (purple)
Ireland (green)
(Wales - possibly - the map frame just blots this out if there is a white dot or two)
Norway (a different red)
Danmark (whiteish)
Portugal (another red)
Spain (yellow - either the Almoravids have been driven off or it is in fact them)
Aragon (yet another red)
France (blue)
the HRE (black)
the Swiss (magenta - another clear sign it must be the late period)
Northern Italy (green, Lombardy? Milan? Genova?)
The Papal States (yellow)
Sicily (white)
The Byzanthine Empire (magenta)
Bulgaria (green, not sure)
Serbia (blue, not sure)
Venice (a red along the Adria, not sure)

Now there are still some empty places, but it might be that we just can't see the colours. I especially miss Hungary and Poland, and I expect one or two Russian principalities, a Baltic state and possibly Sweden to fill the remaining gaps. All this could be modelled after the situation in the late 13th/early 14th century.